Earthquake Tower

In science class we  were given the assignment to create a tower out of spaghetti, marshmallows, and tape. We had $4875 to build it. Spaghetti cost $100 per stick. Marshmallows cost $50. Tape cost $25 per inch. In my group I was the architect. I basically drew up a diagram and we built off of that. It was a lot of fun but very stressful to build. In the end we were 5cm short of the height requirement, but our tower held up very well and for that I am happy.

Math Project


In Math Class we created a word problem that had to do with the Pythagorean Theorem. Ours was about a hammock it had to have to do with real life. This is the problem.

Word Problem; Ian’s Hammock

Ian wants to put a hammock in his room.

The wall to the North has a width of

5 ft and a height of 7 ft.

The wall to the East has a width of

10 ft and a height of 7 ft. He wants to put the

hammock diagonally on the wall stretching

from corner to corner. Find out how long

the hammock will have to be.

Round to the nearest hundredth.

We had to make a reflection of our project afterward. This was mine.


How did you come up with your word problem? We needed something that was a triangle and we figured that if you hang a hammock across a room it creates a triangle.

How does your word problem and answer make sense? The room was 10ft by 5ft. The hammock had to be 11.18 ft long. Because if you take away 5 and square 10 and square 15. The takeaway 100 from 125 you get 25 which is 5 squared.  


In science we created a chain out of certain materials.  Our chain was made out of 10 pipe cleaners. We cut them in half and tied them together. Creating a chain. The chain has to hold about 7 pounds. The weight is distributed among 5 bottles filled with water.We hope it can do it.  Here is a pic. photo-on-10-17-16-at-1-05-pm-2

Boat Project


In science we created boat out of certain materials. This is our boat. It floats. The people in my group were Hannah A. and Hannah N. Our boat traveled 10 feet in 18 seconds. It is made out of styrofoam, tin foil, wood, straws, glue, and tape. It is our third attempt because the other 2 were bad. 1 was sideways and the other was too long. We are very excited to race.