Brooke's blog

Homework, project, and fun stuff!!

Archive for March, 2014

Roller coaster


        This is half of are roller coaster the people who were in my group was Logan, Austin, Elijah. The materials were foam pipe insulation, tape, and marble. Don’t start the Roller coaster straight down because it will pop right off the track.So start it like on a slat.

The Revolutionary War…why


The Por. of 1763 because they just got their land and they could’n  go over that is that they could have started because they could’n go over. The Boston Massicre That started to fight and thought that could shoot whenever so they thought that they could shoot or start a big War.

Whose falt was the Bosten massacre? and why?


I think it isthe conlies falts because they were just throwing snowball and clops and there were not arm because maybe they did that so they look like they do not know that is going to happen. and I thought it could be the Bristent because they were all arm and they had all gun […]



3/12/14 my memoir is going good and everything is going good but the thing that I am struggling with is I can’t think of a good thsies  but everything else is going good.and we  just started.



Dear King George, I am Broke ONe of the acts a is Proclamation of 1763 is that we can’t go over the mountian . We are angry because we just fought for the new land and we can’t go over the mountian. So we just fought and some of us gave their live for the […]

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