Themes of the Old Testament

The savior


The covenant was to shape the lives of the people, But God’s people could not keep the Sinai covenant, So God offered a new one. The new covenant that God offered to them would be on their hearts. They did not need to make a sacrifice because Jesus already died for us.  For my picture I choose a communion bread and grape juice. I choose that because Jesus is our savior and he died for us. At the last supper Jesus broke the bread and wine, just like we do at church with communion. Today this makes me remember that we do not need to go and kill a good animal to sacrifice. Jesus died so we did not need to do that. 




Something is rotten

When Israel wanted a king they would always get a lousy one. The kings would do whatever it takes to steal from the other kings. The king would only care about power and popularity. The Israelite’s need to realize that God is the true king. They don’t need any other king because that king wont do anything for them. Today we need to remember to spend time with God instead of doing something else like watching TV or anything else. I choose a Phone  for my picture because I spend a lot of time on it when I can spend time with God. I need to ask myself how long am I spending time with God today?


symbol of a lamp


David loved God so much and he wanted to follow in God’s steps. Even though he made a lot of mistakes. David’s line eventually leads to Jesus who is the ultimate lights of the world. We too are in that line. God promises that through David the light will never go out. I choose an oil lamp because I have one from when we went to Israel, and when I went this summer I went through Hezekiah’s tunnel. We had to use a flashlight to get us through because it was pitch black. It was scary in there because it was really tight and really dark. So without the light I would have been even more scared and we would not have been able to see. The light guided me through the tunnel just like God leads us through tough situation because he is the light. 


Salute to a king 

The Israelite kept on doing a cycle, They  would obey God then they would all sin and disobey God. God then sent other armies to fight against them. The people would cry out for help from the Lord, So God sent a judge. The Israelite would keep on doing that exact cycle. They just would not listen and not learn. Everyone would do as it fit they would not listen and they would do whatever they wanted. For my picture I chose some people on a big boat because in our culture today there is a lot of I want that and I need more. Some people think they don’t need God because everything seems to be going well for them. We need to realize that loving and serving God is more important than getting stuff and trying to be like other people. All our things could be taken from us, like with Job. If we don’t have a foundation in God, it will be hard to handle tough times. we need to ask ourselves do we do what culture wants or what God wants?  



God called Abraham to a different land.  God promised Abraham he would make him a great nation. God also called Paul to go and tell people about him and what he has done. God called a lot of people in the bible. Today God is still calling a lot of people. If we are feeling God calling us we should pray about and talk about it with someone we trust. We should listing if God is calling us. Today God has called my aunt Ruth, she is teaching in china. He also has called my Grandparents to lead trips to Israel and Greece. For my picture I choose a picture of our family in Israel because his summer I got the chance to go with my grandparents and they have taught me a lot. 



Conflict and doubt

The Israelite’s doubted God a lot, but through that God still loved them. God will always forgive us when we doubt. God knows we will go through a time of doubt and a time of questioning. This does not make us bad people, God will always love us. God will always surround us with the right people to talk is through and get us through it. God will always stay faithful when we are not. So doubting is not bad but we should always talk it out with someone. Doubting can be easy because we cant see God, but he is here. For my picture I chose a hospital because my uncle was sick and there was a lot of time of doubt. God led our family through it, now he is in heaven and I get to see him later. 


 slavery and salvation 

Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. Yet he stills saves his family from the famine. Just like Moses was born into a family of slaves. Yet he leads the people out of Egypt. That can remind us that God can turn a bad situation into something good. So when I am struggling I need to remember God is in control and he will work things out. God is faithful. I chose a picture of a cross because Jesus died for me and he is making everything new just like he did for Joseph and Moses. 

Sent to a promised land 

God promised the people he would send them to great land, the promise land. The people had to go through a lot to get there. I have to go through a hard time to get to the promised land- to feel better and to be happy. We have to trust in God. The people had to trust in God as well. They all were trapped when they got to the Red Sea, they were getting trapped by pharaoh and they really needed to trust God to take care of them. God provided food and water just like he provides for us. We need to remember that everything God is preparing for us is worth the wait just like the Isrilits had to wait to get to the promised land. They were so excited. For my picture I chose a picture of Israel because I got to go to the promised land, which is Israel.



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