Tag Archive | DeVries

Spaghetti Tower

In sience we are doing Spaghetti towers and our name is P.A.U.L but the towers name is the third at first we were doing great and though we had it in the bag but then the tower fell over and it was a mess all the spaghetti was breaking  but after a long run we finally got somewhere. We have our cradle at the top and the support beams all through the whole thing and it may not look like much but we got somewhere so go team.

Boat Races

 In class we had to do a boat trial to see who’s boat was the fastest . Our first trial went good we got got 2nd place with 8.63 seconds as a time. We are going to turn it around so it will go faster. We  hope that we do good and that our boat does not hug the sides.