Archive | September 2017

Beginning of year reflections

One thing I enjoyed this year was in L.A when Mrs. Roskamp introduced us to all of her stuffed animals. When Levi H climid up on the high table and stool to put Mac and Cheese up on the screen and Creed on the proyector and the whole grade was watching us. One thing I learned is that Mrs. Roskamp get’s scared quickly because she told us a whole lot of stories about Kids in the past scaring her. Also In gym I learned that when Cort serves protect your face if your in front of him  and duck 🙂 because now I  have a light mark on my arm. One thing I am looking forward to is Fun night because now we are the big kids and we are in charge also the 8th grade play because this year I can try out for a part in the play.

Boat Races

 In class we had to do a boat trial to see who’s boat was the fastest . Our first trial went good we got got 2nd place with 8.63 seconds as a time. We are going to turn it around so it will go faster. We  hope that we do good and that our boat does not hug the sides.