deadly play grounds

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that more than 200,000 children ages 14 and younger are injured on playgrounds each year. Tragically, fifteen of those will die. Children can have accidents on school playgrounds or on a daycare playground; however, the majority of playground accidents do occur at daycare facilities. Nearly three-fourths of all the playground accidents which result in death are caused by a fall and a resulting head injury. The best way to alleviate this particular risk is for the facility to ensure that the playground surface is a shock-absorbing type. Playground equipment must be safe and well-maintained, and there must always be adequate supervision for children playing on the playground. How to know if your children are safe on a playground There are specific safety requirements for school playgrounds as well as daycare playgrounds which must be adhered to. Although schools generally follow the safety guidelines and requirements, daycare centers may be more lax. The daycare workers must be properly trained and able to quickly react to children’s needs as well as to playground-related injuries. The most common causes of playground accidents include:

  • Lack of supervision is by far the most common cause of playground accidents. Younger children in particular are often unaware of their physical limitations and have no understanding of the risks associated with climbing too high, running too fast, or stepping in front of another child who is swinging. It is the duty and responsibility of the daycare workers to supervise children, keeping them as safe as possible. Daycare center employees may be distracted because they are watching other children, or could be distracted because they are texting, talking on their phone, or even playing a game on their phone instead of watching the children. Even more alarming than a distracted daycare worker is one who is not even present. When children are left, unsupervised, on the playground, accidents can happen in an instant.
  • Slip and falls are the next leading cause of playground accident. Uneven surfaces or surfaces which are wet or slick can lead to slip and falls. Children who climb to heights which are too extreme for their age and ability, can also fall, resulting in potentially serious or fatal injuries.



What should be on a playground?

Modern playgrounds often have recreational equipment such as the seesaw, merry-go-round, swingset, slide, jungle gym, chin-up bars, sandbox, spring rider, trapeze rings, playhouses, and mazes, many of which help children develop physical coordination, strength, and flexibility, as well as providing recreation.

so be safe on the play grounds

Each year, more than 200,000 kids are treated in hospital ERs for playground-related injuries. Many of these accidents can be prevented with the proper supervision.

again be very very very very very very very very very very safe

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