First Reason:

It was fun because I got to hang out with my friends.

Second Reason:

It’s bowling and it was fun, because it’s bowling.

Third Reason:

I remember that we had a big line of people and Jace bowled though all of the people.

Fourth Reason:

I remember that we were like the best out of all of the groups.

Fifth Reason:

I got 3 strikes and it was fun.

Metaphor Writing

Mrs. Roskamp


Gunner Stewart


I am a Tree because…

I grow in my faith every day and I get to know God more in every day that I live. Trees also grow every day not in faith but in hight, width, and strength. And my faith is strong like a tree and it is hard to break or mess with. My knowledge in him is like a tree leaves, plentiful but could always need more. And I faec new challenges in my faith every day just as a tree has new weather and thing to deal with every day.


My roots grow deeper in everything just like a tree does. It grows in my faith and my knowledge of God. It also strengthens me physically by just going through day to day things, like a tree withstands wind and storms. They stablize me when times get hard  just like it keeps the tree from falling down. And they are very hard to get out just like its hard to rip up my faith.


I give out life and happiness just like a tree gives out oxygen from its leaves. And I also have good times in my life just as some trees grow flowers. I have times that are really hard and it’s hard for me to go through them just as trees drop leaves. But I also get through those problems that I am going through just as the leaves grow back every year.


Because I have a strong foundation and a strong base. Just like a tree’s trunk is strong and stable. I also have  a fun personality that people like and that a lot of people enjoy. Like tree’s have different shapes, sizes and colors. I also get cracks in my life that grow back and that other people help to repair. Just like a tree’s bark grows back if somebody takes it off.

Word Problem

The thickness of a surfboard is often matched by the weight of the rider. For example, a person weighing 170 pounds might need a surfboard that is 3.375 inches thick. Write 3.375 as a fraction and in simplest form.

first you have to make the 3 as a whole then 5 is in the thousandths place so the denominator is 1,000. So it’s 3 375/1,000 and you have to simplify it so that makes it…

3  3/8