Slavery/ Salvation- Theme Two


2) Slavery / Salvation

This topic/theme about slavery to salvation means to me that if you are in a low and dark place, you can always get back up. If I am in a hard time in my life I can start to build myself up and make the situation better and not just worry about it. Like Moses he was born into slavery but he steps up and leads Israel out of Egypt. Moses went to a slave and at the lowest point in his life when he got called to lead everyone. If I get into a dark place in my life and i get behind and just give up then I can just pray and ask God what I will do next. I could lead something or someone and get back on my feet. Martin Luther King Jr. was born into a dark and bad time in history. But he stood up against everyone and talked about how we are all the same and we have rights. So he went from low to high. From slavery to salvation.

I chose this image because it tells me that I can break free from something that is holding me back. So many people broke free from slavery and went to salvation. So if I fall down God can encourage me to lead and get back up on my feet. I think that if you just pray and just wait you can break free from anything. You just have to have patience and know that you have enough left to keep going and lead people to salvation. Like Joseph, he was sold into slavery but he managed to help his family survive the famine. God will lead us to whatever he has planned for us to do and maybe it is to go from slavery to salvation but we can break free if we have God in our side.

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