Pinball Reflection

What was the BEST part of working in your group?

I think that the best part of working in my group was how fun the other  people in my group are. They both have a good sense of humor and they are both really funny! They are good at science too! I think also that we all work  great together. We are all really creative so when the 3 of us work together then we create something really cool!

What were some of the JOYS of working in a group?

I think that it was my great group. We argued a LOT but soon we always found an agreement and we were friends again. Everyone in our group is very creative and we all had different ideas so by the time that we stopped arguing we found a way to combine our ideas to make it even cooler! We all had a lot of crazy fun ideas! We acted silly and creative and we worked hard each day when we worked on the pinball machine!

What were some of the STRUGGLES of working in a group?

I think some of the struggles in our group where when we had way too many ideas, we were blowing up at each other and there was a lot of drama! I think one of the biggest struggles for me was who got the pinball machine.(I’m not trying to complain) What we were doing was, we each picked a pencil from our teacher’s hand and whoever got the one with the black mark  at the bottom got to keep the pinball machine and unfortunately it was me who got it. One person in our group was really sad and started crying, I felt really bad about it but at the same time I was really mad because all my friends told me that I should give the pinball machine to the sad person but God talked to me about it and so did my Dad and over break I brought it to the person’s house. I thought that it felt good to do something nice and now my Dad and I have a great pinball machine to ourselves!

            GOALS for group work:

  • Less Drama and Fighting

  • Know that theres room for everyones ideas

  • Be nice to each other even when you are mad at the other person

  • Work hard on everything on your pinball machine

  • Have fun working

  • Work a little harder each day

  • Don’t be grumpy even though you might be mad at the other person

  • Be nice about everyones ideas and don’t be hating on it even if you don’t like it!

Blog #4 – Marbles On a Ramp

Blog #4

Pinball Wizard – Marbles On the Ramp!


Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3

Trial 4

Trial 5


Marble 1







Marble 2







Marble 3









Lena Young

  • I learned that a marble that has more force – mass will go faster

  • I learned that gravity is what makes the marble go and the speed to go really fast

  • I learned that friction is the thing that makes the marble stop

  • I learned that the bigger the marble the more acceleration it will have and the smaller the marble the slower it will go!


Luke Hoekwater

  • I learned that a marble that has more mass will go faster and that if there was less friction the marble would travel at a very great speed and would have more acceleration and the speed of the marble would make the marble have more force.


Jordyn Maat


  • I learned that it’s more important to work as a group then to work by yourself.

  • And that the more mass and gravity there is on the ball the faster it will go down but the lighter it is the slower it will go!

  • It’s important to know that the ball will go slower in the beginning and it gets faster as it goes!

  • More Mass = Faster

  • The friction on the ramp (rulers) will slow the marble down so if you ever try this experiment then you should have a steeper ramp.


Jordyn Maat


  • We are using marbles for our pinball machine so we got to experience what the marble can do and thats very important to know!

  • The experiment helped us so we know how fast a marble can go so we know what slant to put the pinball machine on.

  • When the ball is on the pinball machine we know when the ball is going to go fast and we know when the ball is going to go slow and you need to know that to build a pinball machine.


Lena Young

  • For our pinball machine we might use marbles and maybe there will be a time limit to get

            the marble into the scoring hole.

  • The Experiment helps us with our pinball machine a lot, it helps us to know how fast the marble will go!

Luke Hoekwater


  • I can use a heavy ball to to make the game go faster and make it be harder.

Pinball Wizard – Newton’s Laws of Motion

  Newton’s Laws of Motion

                      Law #1 – Law of inertia

  • An Object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

    • Say that you are in a car and you forgot to wear a seatbelt or just didn’t wear a seatbelt and the car hit something like a tree or another car, then your body would pull you forward and since you weren’t wearing a seat belt and either the airbag would save you or you would fly through the windshield and fall you would probably break something too! Thats all because your body wants to keep going further and it doesn’t want to stop!

                  Another Example:

  • Say that you are lying on the couch watching tv or reading with your favorite snack with your favorite blanket. Your body would to want stay at rest because its comfortable and that would be a time when your body would want to be at rest!

How does what you learned apply to a pinball machine?

Newton’s 3 laws can apply to a pinball machine. For example, in law 1, it says: “A object will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.” If you had a pinball machine with a marble, say. and the marble wouldn’t move unless you did something to it, like hitting it with a shooter on the pinball machine or a flapper. If you didn’t hit it, it would stay there for hours, but, if it was on an unbalanced force then it would roll down until it hits a steady platform.

                Law #2 -F=ma

         (Force = Mass x Acceleration)

“Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass, (of the object being accelerated), the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object).”

For Example,

  • If you were pushing someone on the swing then you would need to have enough force to accelerate the mass.

  • Or If you were pulling someone on a sled then you would need enough force to accelerate the mass!

  • Thats all Because its Heavy and without force the mass won’t accelerate and stay still!

Law #3

               Action + Reaction Law

       “For Every action there is an equal and opposite reaction!”


For Example,


If 2 people were pushing against each other with their hands and they were on scooters then they would both push backwards!



If you were to tie a balloon with air in it, and not tie it  put it on a string in a straight and then let it go then it would go straight down the line of the string and blow the spit out everywhere!


These examples are both examples of Newton’s 3rd Law of motion because the Law is about  Action and Reaction and for the 1st example it had a lot to do with action and reaction because when 2 people push their hands against each other like the law is when they push their hands against each other then

they would both go backwards because when they push their hands against each other then the action is them pushing their hands against each other and the reaction is them both pushing back. But there is one small thing that could make one person stay where they are and then the other person would go backwards and that would be if that person would weigh a lot more than the other person but that normally would not happen it could sometimes though!