Book Review

My favorite book was The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. It is realistic fiction. It could happen but it is very unlikelyThe setting of the book was amazing. It felt like you were actually there sometimes. It was so hard though, that sometimes you didn’t want to be there, because all around them, people were passing away. If I closed my eyes, I could see the setting. The big, weird city, the dirty slums, and the forest. The main characters are Katniss and Peeta. They are very brave, but it is so intense at times, and so futuristic, it doesn’t even feel like it is real. I like both Katniss and Peeta. Peeta loved Katniss ever since they were little. He just didn’t want to say so. Katniss is brave, and smart, and will do anything for her family. Peeta is brave, and caring. Katniss lives way in the future. There are 13 districts, and she is in 12. They are very poor where she lives. Every year, 13 tributes are chosen for something called “The hunger games,” where they fight to the death, and there is one winner. Every year, a boy and a girl are chosen. 12-18 year olds. Katniss has her name in there 40 some times. Her sister, just has her name in there once, because she is only 12. Her name gets selected. Katniss steps up and takes her place. Her and Peeta must survive, but there are 11 others, way stronger, and way more experienced, and only one can win. Who will it be? Overall, I give the book 5 stars. It kept making me want to read, and when I would have to stop, there would be cliffhangers. I really, really liked it, and I would recommend it. 

Entrada de blog #6

El Beisbol – Beisbol es en el campos. 


El Basquetbol – Basquetbol es en la cancha.

El Futbol – La acción en futbol es patear.

El Futbol Americano – Futbol Americano es en el estado