
Social Studies

  • We will be beginning a PBL focused on the original thirteen colonies. Students will be working in groups as an advertising agency to market one of the thirteen colonies. This project will take a month as we are working with ZCS’ Peter Jenkins on this project.

English Specific Skill:

  • Adjectives

Spelling: *TBD as students took another Spelling Inventory to reevaluate groups & sorts*

  • Yellow group:
  • Green group:
  • Blue group:


M 1/7. Practice activities

W 1/9. Begin unit project, journal entry due if not finished in class

F 1/11 . Project work time

*January actividades are due Friday, February 1 (100 minutes, 5 activities minimum)*


M 1/7. Review sheet, study day

W 1/9. Review sheet due, study day

F 1/11 . Unit test today

*January actividades are due Friday, February 1 (100 minutes, 5 activities minimum)*




M 1/7. Pen Pal letters, December culture & actividades due

T 1/8. Begin new unit vocabulary

W 1/9 . Pen Pal letters due, vocabulary flashcards

Th 1/10 . Vocabulary practice

F 1/11. Vocabulary flashcards due, practice activities