Christmas Vacations

Dear Parents,

Christmas Break is a wonderful time for the children to enjoy the holidays and their family. During this time the children will be involved in many activities outside of school which is wonderful: we want them to play and have a great time with family and friends. Nonetheless, it is important that the children maintain the skill and knowledge that they have acquired so far in Frist Grade over Christmas Break. Therefore, we are providing you with a list of ideas of things that you can do with your child to help him or her stay “connected” to school:

  1. Continue to read together:
    1. Books from home, library, book bag, RazKids (kids A-Z app), etc.

*Please send the book bag back after Christmas vacations

  1. Practice reading and writing the word wall words we have learned.
    1. Crayons, Markers, Shaving cream, play-dough, etc.

* Up to caí

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  1. Write a journal about things they are during the break.
    1. In a paper (you can use a pencil, pen, crayons, etc.) and/or computer (they can use the seesaw app to report their daily entry) in SPANISH
  2. Practice math.
    1. Flash cards, math games, Xtra-math, etc.

Most of all have fun and enjoy each other as we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ! Alleluia!!!

In His Service;

Maestra Ruiz 🙂

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