Current Event

Officials: Hostage standoff ends with child rescued, kidnapper dead

Allen DenBleyker

last week a 5 year old boy was abducted and was finally release after 6 days in a under ground bunker the man had made. The boy was on his way home when the gunman stepped on the bus and shot the bus driver as all the rest of the kindergardeners have evacuate off the emergency exit on the bus this 5 year old autistic boy was kid napped and taken to a under ground bunker. In this bunker the FBI and the police communicated with the man and the boy for over 6 days all day every day. After talking with the kidnapper it finally came apparent that the hostage was holding a gun then they feared that the boy was in extreme danger and that the child needed to be rescued. And then at 3:12pm central time the boy was rescued but they had to shot the guy who was holding the kid hostage to get the kid safely out The boy was held in a bunker 4 feet under ground and there was electricity and a heater and blankets down there which was good so that they could stay warm and they communicated with the FBI through a air pipe that was above ground and that connected with the bunker.

My thought where that, that is just crazy why somebody would kidnap a 5 year old special needs boy. The biggest thing that I am wondering is that why would he have a bunker 4 feet under ground. Also another big question I have is that why would he choose that boy and why such a young boy why didn’t he choose a 3rd or 4th grade boy not a kindergardener it makes no sense. It is good that the FBI gave the kid the medication he needed and they gave him a match box cars and cheese-its. Also I just hope and pray that this doesn’t happen again because maybe next time the hostage wont come out alive I just hope that this doesn’t happen again.

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