Columbus Day Allen and Zach


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los MLB famosos

5 famoso y spanish

Holy Spirit roject

The Holy Spirit is the third part of the trinity and it is the hardest to under stand. In the apostles creed they refer to the Holy Spirit as the Holy Ghost because he is not human like Jesus but he is in are spirit and he lives in us and he is the fire burning in side of us. The Holy Spirit where the tongues of fire on peoples head at pentacost. Also the Holy Spirit is are soul in side of us and he is the one that leads us and guides us through are faith journey. The Holy Spirit is kind like Gods brother and Jesus is Gods sons I think it the trinity as a apple like the core is God and fruit is Jesus and the skin is the holy spirit that is how I remember the trinity.

Chilean government

Pinochet  was the president of the chilean government and he was the army leader in 1974 they killed 2500 people in his ruling. Also the people who lived there loved him. Also the usa on september 11 in 1974 gave them all there weapons and and the usa helps them kill him. I think that he was a bad person and that is good he is died. who kid napped all those people.

dia de los muertos

In spanish class today we got to celebrate dia de los muertos. That is where people celebrate peoples lives after they die they celebrate it every october 31 they celebrate there lives. i thought it was kind of cool what they do and how they celebrate it. It was fun and cool to learn everything that they do  and it was really cool to learn how they celebrate it with all there ceremonies.

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