
I like how it is almost night time and how its in the attic and how it looks  old. And how it was painted and the back round and the window and the darkness and the old bricks. I would make it bigger and make it look older and make it a little brighter.It makes me feel spooky and a little scared.                I know that when you critique somebody  you can say what they did wrong or what they did right. Or you can say next time you can do this or do that or maybe you could do this.  Or you could say maybe this could help  or hey i have a idea that might help. or you could say good job  if it is good because there is no right or wrong.Or you could say  maybe you could say maybe you should make it a little bigger or  a little brighter.             I feel good about critiquing  someone  else because it will help them get better at what they are  doing. I feel good that someone else critiquing me because they will fix my mistakes.

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