marshmallow shooters

imgres-3 Why we chose marshmallow shooters: we chose them because they were cheaper than the hovering toy. It costs 4.30 dollars to make it. we are expecting to sell it for $3.00 per marshmallow shooter.

Thanks for reading my blog have a nice day!

From Alejandro

Final Pinball Reflection

CONTENT Is the pinball machine more scientific than you thought?

Yes because it involves a lot of circuits and a motor.

What is on or more things that surprised you?

That it was really easy and fun.

What was something that you learned?

That circuits are easy to make you can make them at home.


COLLABORATION What were the joys of working in a group?

That it was helpful that you were not alone.

What were struggles of working in a group?

that one of us was not letting me hand out candy and being a bit bossy.



my goals for future group work is that we will be a good group and help each other out in tough situations.

ways i can grow before  market day i could grow by helping out a bit more and making everything fair.


Solomons Temple

Photo on 3-17-16 at 9.26 AM I designed the temple this way because i thought it would be nice to have a burnt offering altar and 2 rooms the holy room and the holy of holy room.

psalm 51

Photo on 3-8-16 at 9.08 AM May it please you to prosper Zion,
    to build up the walls of Jerusalem.  I chose this verse because it said build up the walls of Jerusalem. I drew a wall being built so that is why i chose this photo. And also i thought that was cool.