Book Review

The Land of Stories

       The Land of Stories is my favorite book series. It is written by Chris Colfer. It is a fantasy book that you won’t be able to put down. While reading it he describes where they are how it looks, smells, and hears. You almost see what they see when you close your eyes.

        Alex and Conner are the main charters in this book along with lots of fairy tale charters. Alex is book smart loves reading always getting projects done. Conner is the exact opposite he jokes around and gets nothing done.

        Alex and Conner live with their mom. Their dad died awhile back. They are sad when they think about them but that all changes when their grandma gives them a fairy tale book for their birthday. It would glow and make a small humming sound at times. Alex would drop pencils in it and they would disappear. Conner knew nothing about the book until one day, when it started humming in Alex’s backpack. Conner throws a book at his teacher to make a distraction, when the teacher tells Alex to open her bag. Alex runs to the bathroom and Conner makes the excuse his elbow hurts, after he got all his detention slips. Alex runs in the bathroom and  rips open her bag and pulls out the book. Conner comes in after her. Then a bird flys out of their book and their life changes forever.

        Overall, I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. I loved this book and t was impossible for me to put down.