
We had people that where first immigrants come to our school and tell us the stories of their life. They would tell us things about how there life was back there and they would tell us stories about when they got here and their life here. One of the people I talked to was a lady named Tena Timmer who came from the Netherlands. She came over with her baby sister, older brother, and her mom and dad. She told us a story about how a bomb blew up part of her house. She was very little and the door to her room fell on top of her crib and protected her from the things that fell from the ceiling. She also had a lot of pictures and pamphlets of the boat that she rode over on.

This was important to me because I got to meet people with different experiences and learn things that I never knew before. But even more than that I could connect and talk to people about the things that they had experienced, and I could picture the things that they had to do and things that they had to go through. Most of the time Mrs. Timmer was talking I was on the edge of my seat leaning closer to her, because that is how much her story impacted me. I was actually sad when we had to switch to a different person because of how much her story touched my heart. Also, to connect in a deeper level, she has pushed me to work even harder in my dream of becoming a writer because she and other immigrants had much harder things that they had to deal with and yet they still stood tall and went on because they knew coming to the United States was like a new chance to be free or have a better life than they had there.

I sometimes forget that people around the world are suffering because they don’t have the same government that we have here, or they don’t have the same freedom. I feel like I forget that in other places people can’t worship who or what they want, and they get persecuted for what they believe in. At immigration day you heard stories about people not having enough food, that they have to live off what ever they can find like mice or bugs. I also think that this connects with what we challenged our selves to a few weeks ago. Where you had to change something in your life that maybe other people don’t have the luxury of. Some of the immigrants came with their families. l feel like no one should have to leave their friends and family or be persecuted for what they believe in. I feel that the United States is a safe place, but yet we still have many faults with people like ISIS or terrorists. When you think immigrants you think of their sad eyes stabbing your heart, but that wasn’t the case. The people that we talked to were joyful and probably happy that they shared their suffering and pain. Sharing not only the bad but also sharing the good times they had, and funny times too. I’m glad that we had immigration day because it opened my eyes to things I had never thought of before. I think it is a great experience that every one should hear about, and for all those that are still suffering to know that they are never alone and that there is still hope for them yet.