God’s preparation

I was raped when I was little. After that everything around me just felt like a waste and my grades started dropping and I didn’t really care about others. To be honest I hate all men and I was always in fear of it happening again. I was hurt and at the time I didn’t realize why God had let this happen to me. I think to say this and have people know was the hardest thing for me. Now that I look back I realize that I know how other victims feel and I want to help them. I don’t want them to live in shame like I did for so many years, I want people to stand up for them selves because thats the only way that will make the pain go away. Originally if you would have asked me what I learned I would have said not to trust people so much but now that I’m older I think God was trying to teach me that, yeah bad things happen but you need to stand up against those things and you shouldn’t be afraid all of your life. I’m not going to say that I’m glad that happened but with out it I think I would let my self get pushed around without a second though. Now that I realize this I want to help others through the same thing. I think through my gift of writing I can save so many people and help them find their way.

Mystery by Grace Mott

Grace Mott

Mrs. Roskamp

8A, LA

12 February 2016

Journal Entry:312  

The Fall


Ever since I was little there has been one phrase that goes through my head day in and day out. “How to Commit the Perfect Murder.” I always chose the icicle, the weapon melts away.” Alice Sebold. That’s what I think about whenever I do anything. To be smart and cunning.  Every breath I breath, every move I make, I will always be three steps a head.  

The jump is a famous word around here and specific to this ward. The ward is completely closed off and there is only one way in and one way out, but they are not the same. The only way in is through the armored door and the barbed electrical fences. Only way out is death. Okay that is a little over dramatic. You do get released, but it takes its sweet time. Also you can wait until you’re 18 and then you are an adult. They will test to see how you do and if they feel it’s a bad idea they will send you to a different place. There have been five people in total that have jumped out their window and fallen to their death, or that’s at least how you see it but for people like us it means freedom.

His name was Jacob. He had gained his freedom and maybe a little bit of sanity, because he knew better than to stay here. He jumped from room 312. It was a regular suicide, trust me it happened a lot here.  

My name is Spencer. I have lived in this ward since I was six years old. I was put in here for the murder of Sarah Camilton and Peter Camilton, my parents. I don’t like to talk about it though. I have my reasons for killing them. My sister also died but not at my hands. She died to someone that I once trusted. So I was happy to hear that they have been here for a while. So that I can finally be at peace with my sister. I am actually one of the only sane people in here.

To be honest, Jacob didn’t have much. His family had all died in a car crash. He didn’t talk much so he didn’t have very many friends but he did have me. We were best friends, even before we were put in here. We went to the same school and were in the same class. Jacob and I are both sixteen.  

I will find out why he killed himself. I think I owe that much to him at least. I mean, they kept moving his release date up and up it makes no sense. Why would he kill himself right before he gets free. But then again he had been going through a hard time, or at least that’s what his private journal said. He kept the journal locked in his room. I decided on this and I go to sleep to the noise of the sirens of the cop cars singing their song as the cops call the coroner’s.

I get up with a slow creak. Jacob’s room is right next to mine so I push the door to his room open and stare at the emptiness that is his room. It wasn’t long until one of the nurses found me standing there and brought me to the head doctor. What a nuisance. I though as we arrived at the doctors room.

“I know how losing a friend can be really hard to take. I am here to help you through this.” The Doc. said in a really warm voice. Wow he is getting really good at making you feel at home, even though I know that he really doesn’t care. But still. He kept rambling on and on and I just thought of ways to get to set everything up. By the end of the “talking to” I had already made a plan and had put some suspects together. To be honest Jacob was a nice kid and didn’t have very many enemies. This might be more of a challenge than I thought. Well I guess you have to start somewhere right? So it looks like Max is first. I thanked the Doc. and when he wasn’t watching I took the key off his desk. I knew where it was because I had taken it a few times before. There were also two other things missing from his room but I’m sure he wouldn’t notice.

I thanked the Doc. and told him that it has been hard and I told him some sappy story from when I first came to the ward and felt alone. After twenty minutes I told him I felt better and thanked him again and left.

Max’s room is on the bottom floor next to the Doc’s office. The worst kids are put on the bottom floor so there is not as high as a chance for suicide. Also the kids that have murdered at least three people go there too. They even tried to stick me with those losers. Yeah like that was going to happen.

There are only six rooms on the main floor. The Doc’s office, two patient rooms, two nurses rooms and a quiet room. The quiet room is for when someone acts up and they feel it is necessary to isolate them. I’ve never been in there but I’ve heard that most people would rather die than go in there twice. The two patients on the bottom floor are Max and Graham. Max has bipolar depression and can get really violent for no reason. So my money’s on him. Graham killed his mother, father, sister and his girlfriend. His girlfriend actually was in here when she got killed. Her name was Olivia. They were a good couple but one day they got into a fight because Olivia would be leaving the ward soon and she thought it would be best to break it off, but he didn’t like that idea. During lunch when they were eating together. Graham walked right up to one of the guards, pulled out his gun, and shot her in the head. She was dead even before she hit the ground. That was the day that he got moved down to the main floor. There is a rumor going around that he is the devil in human form. The dude gives me the creeps and trust me that’s not very easy because I’ve killed and almost been killed several times.

I walked out of the Doc’s office and to Max’s room and knocked on the door. Do you remember how I said this dude can be scary, he is 4’2” and wear glasses so on first look he looks like your average nerd but I don’t recommend saying that to his face.

He opened the door.

“What do you want.” He said with his country accent.

“What were you doing the night that Jacob died?” I asked as quietly and nicely as I could in fear that he would try and kill me. But the thing he did next I wasn’t expecting.

“Hahaahaa. Man that’s. Hahaha.” I could see he was laughing so hard that tears were starting to form in his eyes. I balled my fist in anger. Geeze, he thinks that this is a laughing matter. What a jerk.

“Sorry man I didn’t mean to make you angry I just thought it was funny you thought it was me. I mean I’m on the bottom floor I have the most surveillance on me and my door locks at 7:00 every night so there is no way that I could have gotten back in, or even out for that matter. Sorry man but I agree that someone murdered him, I mean why would he jump when he was going to be released next week. It just doesn’t add up. Hey if you need any help ask me, Jacob was a good friend to me too.” With those last words he closed the door. I took out a pencil and a note pad and I crossed off the names Max and Graham.

Well that means fewer people, I guess that’s okay. There are now only three people left. The Nurse Jackie Roskamp, Tiana and Kaylee. The only reasons I think that it is Tiana and Kaylee is because both of them asked Jacob out but he turned them down saying that he isn’t that stupid. But I don’t blame him all the boyfriends they have ever had ended up missing or dead. Jackie is different. She had opportunity, means but I can’t seem to find a motive. I think it is Jackie is because she has access to every room and she has to bring medicine to every patient on our floor.

So I think I will talk to her first. Also she was the only person that actually saw Jacob jump. She was taking out the trash and saw him falling, she says that she saw someone else up there with him but to be honest I think that it was dark and she is getting up in years. But she is the only witness. The weird thing is that when the cops showed up she was upstairs from where he jumpt and not outside.

Well she will be at dinner in a few minutes so there is my chance. I almost ran to the mess hall. I grabbed a tray of whatever the repulsive food was this week and I sat down across from her.

She is a nice lady that has worked here since the day it opened. There is a rumor going around that she actually was a patient here once. But I don’t see it she is a sweet old lady. She used to only work here part time and she taught kindergarten. But then she got laid off when the school closed from an “accidental” fire.

But in the cases best interest I decided not to talk to her. Later that night she came to my room to bring my medicine. By then everything had been completed. I hid behind the curtain and taped a piece of rope to opposite ends of the room. It was low enough that you couldn’t see it. It also matched the floor nicely. I opened the window and waited. That’s how I did it.  

“Yeah I have no Idea what got into her. She was a kind person and she had a pure heart. We are all going to miss her. She was acting normally and then she just jumped.” Or at least that’s what I told the cops when they asked me about her death that had happened in my room. She knew too much and besides I needed someone to take the fall for Jacobs murder. This is how it all went down and how I always stayed three steps a head.

Then they asked about Jacob and I told them that we had been best friends and we still are. But that was a lie to throw them off my trail.

I let her find me outside Jacob’s room. That way the she and the Doc. would think only to comfort me and drop their guard around me. That way when I was talking the Doc it was almost too easy to steal rope, tape and a key to open the window. I also went around asking people their stories to find someone that I could pin the blame on. Because I know eventually with enough digging that they would find that Jacob’s death was a murder and this way I already solved it for them. I know that Jackie is hard set on finding the person that was in the room with Jacob. I made her death look like a suicide and I wrote a suicide note confessing to killing Jacob. I made it sound like it was too much for her to take so she took her life. It was all an accident. He was standing by the open window and she tried to pull him away but she ended up slipping and pushing him out.  How tragic.

Two weeks later.  

They have released me from the prison that is known as “Sunny Island Ward.” I am free and no one knows about my secret, that I killed Jacob and Jackie. No one will ever catch me because I am too fast and too smart. I, Spencer Camilton, will never take the fall. You may be wondering why I killed Jacob but the reason is actually the reason that he is in here, because he killed my sister. I had told him that I forgave him because it was an accident. A tragic car accident. He survived but she didn’t. I always felt bitter to him and I just snapped and I took revenge. But to be honest no one will remember about me or my life or how I got away with murder, but this journal is the only thing that will know. So for now and forever I say goodbye.

I could never be caught because no one will remember me, Spencer Camilton has died.

I jumped.

Why is it Important that we Study Christian Persicution

It is important that we study persecution to stay in tune with what is going on around the world with other Christians. Also to keep us from being naive and thinking that Christians are no longer persecuted like they used to be but they still are. I also think it is important to see other people standing up for their faith and we can have them as role models.

Ideal Church Vs. Early Church

I class we came up with a list of what our perfect church would look like. We had things like snow mobile, candy, pool private island ect. (Things that only middle schoolers would think of.) Then we made a list of what the early church was like. This list had things like being together, sharing everything that they owned, put God and other before there possessions. Then we compared and contrasted how they were similar and how they were different. I think that if we focus on the same things that the early church that we might have better connection to God. I think we are more focused on having fun and what would look cool than what church is really about. Giving to God. Maybe not cancel all the fun things in church but maybe be more focused on God than your own wants.

Thoughts about Jesus crucifixion

We put sticky notes on posters that we thought that we struggled in. The one that I think I struggled in was empathize with humanity. I feel like I am more of a person who understands what people are going through but I don’t always know how to react. I now know that you have to put your self in their shoes and try and feel what they feel and try and help them through your knew found knowledge.

Theme Writing

Grace Mott

Mrs. Roskamp


26 October 2015

Theme Writing


Books in life help you explore mythical lands, read about people that onced live or put you into a person’s shoes. Books give us many things. For some it can be an escape or a new opportunity. I love reading historical fiction books because you can read what other did and  put yourself in their shoes. The book The Redheaded Princess by Ann Rinaldi meant a lot to me because it taught me a valuable lessons. The book is about people in the 15 hundredths how they lived and how the people suffered and about the kings and queens and kings that ruled over England. The main character is a young girl named Elizabeth. She is in line to be Queen someday. But she is faced with people trying to live her life for her. The theme is that women were treated fairly .

You have to rely on a man. Elizabeth couldn’t becaume queen because she was a female that was unmarred. In this story Elizabeth is third in line for the throne and everyone tells her she must marry but all the people that want to marry her only want the throne for their own purpose. A queen had to marry because she needed a husband to make political decisions for her and to organise and lead her military campaigns. The most important reason she needed to marry was because she needed to produce a male heir so that there would not be any war over who would succeed the throne. Even a women that is not queen main job was to have children and take care of the house work.

A husband had power over his wife and told them what to do. Men were head of their households. They would make most of the income and would work the higher jobs. They watched over the women making sure that they were doing things right. If they were single then their father, brother, or other male relative was expected to look after them. Men thought that women were weaker emotionally and physically.    

Women weren’t allowed the same things as men. The Only people that were allowed on the privy council were men that owned land or men that came from nobility. They believed that women could not own land or make important decisions on their own. Women could not go to school. If women wanted an education they would have to have private tutor. They were also not allowed to enter professions such as law, medicine and politics. They mainly were cooks or maids.The  Privy Council was all composed of the most powerful men in her country. Men that owned a lot of land and also men that came from powerful\noble families. A women was not allowed in the council because they were not as powerful and could not own land.

Women weren’t treated fairly. They couldn’t have as good of jobs or certain things that they were expected to do. I like when Elizabeth said  “I will have but one mistress here and no master,” because she is sticking up for herself and women everywhere. She is telling people that you don’t have to rely on a man, you can be strong on your own. I really liked the book because I can relate to some of things that happened in the book and also you can learn lessons from things that happened in the past.   



My cycle was the phosphorus cycle. We did a video and we talked about how rocks get weathered and phosphate falls from rocks and lands on the ground. Then it lands in a plant or grass and some sort of animal eats it. Later it comes out of the animal and then decomposes in to the ground. Then it goes up into another rock and the cycle starts all over again. It all started when a little mineral named phosphor who was a Phosphorus on a mountain wished to go on an adventure to explore the world. There was a storm later that day that took little Phosphor away. He went to the bottom of the mountain and got absorbed into the plants. At night a bunny came by to eat the plant that Phosphor was in. The bunny digested the plant along with Phosphor. This was called Detritus which means waste. Detritus settled to the bottom and with Phosphor. It later decomposed which means rotting. Phosphorus sunk into the soil and later sunk into the rocks. Phosphor was glad that he could go on this journey. He wanted to do it again another day. Photo on 10-26-15 at 11.21 AM

Built on the Rock

Grace Mott

Mrs. Roskamp


16 September 2015

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.”

As eighth graders we pick a theme that we will have for our eighth grade year. As a christian we accept jesus into our heart. “Built on the Rock”, means a lot to me as both an 8th grader at ZCS and as a Christian in the world.

As an eighth grader this verse mean a lot to me because of the new addition. The new addition was literally built on the rocks. When they were still digging into the ground for our school we decided as a community that we would write our favorite bible verses and, or an attribute of God. Matthew 7:24-25 says that if we build our house on the rock that we will not fall and we will stand tall as long as we put God’s words into practice. So as long as we put God’s words into practice our school will not fall.

As a christian I think that if we have a strong faith, acceptance in our hearts and put God’s words into practice then we will not fall. Matthew 7:26-27 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” If we do not put God’s words into practice then we will not stand and we will fall with a great crash. We must have a strong foundation in God.  

“Built on the Rock”, means a lot to me as both an 8th grader at ZCS and as a Christian in the world. We must have a strong faith in God so that we do not fall. If we do not heed God’s words and put them into action then we are like the foolish man who built his house in the sand and we will come tumbling down with a crash.  


Description Writing

Grace Mott

Mrs. Roskamp

L.A, 8A

10 September 2015

Description Writing


The heart card reminds me of my sisters wedding. Click, click, click, I hear high heels hitting the hard floor as a bridesmaid runs down the hallway. Screams and shouts echo through the morning air. My sister is in a beautiful dress doing her hair as bridesmaid surround her. They all gasp in awe at how prepossessing she looks. We hear the last call for hair and makeup and we go up stairs and we get in line to walk down the aisle. I take the arm of my partner and whisper to him “please don’t let me fall.” He chuckles in response and we stride down the aisle so that we can get it over with. As we all leave the wedding, bubbles fly all around us, as a symbolic message wishing the newlywed couple the best. The next thing I know i’m tasting the most scrumptious food and cake I have ever eaten. The last thing I do that Is dance with my sister and I remember the laughing and cheering as ten people get up and dance to “Watch Me.” The music stops and I get off the dance floor and go sit by my friends. We chat happily among ourselves as we plunge deeper into the night.    

The four leaf clover card reminds me of when I have dance shows. Some people have different good luck charms and ways to help their nerves. For me it’s a four leaf clover. Ever since I was little it’s the thing that makes me feel like I have complete confidence. Ting, ting, ting. I hear the tap shoes hitting the ground as they perform their dance. I’m next and I can feel the anticipation in the air. I step on to the stage. The blinding lights are all I can see. I start the dance and I imagine the moves in my head. I finished the dance and the music came to a screeching halt. I hear the clapping and I take a bow. Slowly I step off the stage. I reach to my pocket, there lies the four leaf clover.

The book card reminds me that I finished reading a book over the summer. I take off running, hitting the road hard. I feel the pain in my leg and I am too dehydrated to run very far. Finally I hit a tree stem and I fall. Unable to get back up I lie in defeat. ” I read these pages as the images pop into my head. Five pages left I wonder how it will end. I read the last page and I heave a loud sigh. Another terrible ending. “The arrow pierced my shoulder I can feel the pain and blood flow to my shoulder. I get light headed “Crap” I say to myself so quiet that only I can hear. My kidnapper came to take me away. I guess I will have to finned another way to escape next time. I fall into a deep sleep.”     


New Addition

The new addition is big with lots of rooms and enormous windows. The new space brings us closer, weather it’s with sliding walls, or building with just middle schoolers and students that are going to be in middle school next year. I think if I could change one thing it would  be the center of the whole building. There are big dividing walls and I wish they weren’t there because they separate us a lot from other classes, at the same time it comes in handy, so we get less distracted with other classes.

African Union Day

The past couple of days we have been talking about a conflict in Burundi that has been going on senesce the 60. Thousands of people have died by two different groups fighting the Hutu and Tutsi. The two different groups are fighting about a president that wants to run for a second time but has been a president twice. In Burundi you are only allowed to run twice. More and more refuges are leaving Burundi and going into neighboring countries like Rwanda and Kenya. Then we got to get into our assigned groups and debate what is the best thing for the African Union to do.

I learned that there is a conflict in Burundi. Also that there is an african union that deiced what is best for the continent when things go wrong and that refuges are going into different countries.

I liked how we could debate and learn other peoples ideas on the matter.

Invictus response

The Jersey Kid

The jersey kid at the beginning dint want the jersey that was given to him but at the end he was cheering for the Spring Bocks. The african people would vote for any one bout the Spring Bocks. During the apartheid the Spring Bocks represent the different life between blacks and whites. The whites had more power that the blacks so there for there were more whites on the spring bock team. But when nelson became president he made blacks and whites equal and pushed for people to like the Spring Bocks. The Spring Bocks got a african on the team named chester. Then they had whits and black people cheering for the Spring Bocks.


We looked over six different types of people. Native Amazonian’s, Robber Tappers, Loggers Settlers, Cattle Ranchers and Environmentalists. I think that the Environmental group should get to use the land because they want to preserve it and help the plants and animals survive. Almost a quarter of the earths air comes from the amazon rain forest. The environmentalist want to also use the rain forest for studying plants to find curs diseases. In the rain forest they have amphibians, reptiles, mammals, insects and birds they also have a wide verity of different types of trees. Experts say we are losing over 100 plant, animals, and insets do to deforestation. I also think that the Native Americans and the Environmentalist should work together and work together in the rain forest.

Some of they negatives about others groups like the loggers is that they cut down in the amount of oxygen we get. The settlers and cattle ranchers don’t have good soil in the amazon so it would make more sense if they go some where else were better could grow better food. The Native Americans were there first to the amazon but the Native Amazonian’s need to eat and so they would kill some of the animals there that might only in that rain forest. Also they would use the plants for food or healing medican. Also for house they would cut down some of the trees to make houses, fires and furniture. Sure the other people make more money of living on the land. But they are harming the land and the environment.


We had people that where first immigrants come to our school and tell us the stories of their life. They would tell us things about how there life was back there and they would tell us stories about when they got here and their life here. One of the people I talked to was a lady named Tena Timmer who came from the Netherlands. She came over with her baby sister, older brother, and her mom and dad. She told us a story about how a bomb blew up part of her house. She was very little and the door to her room fell on top of her crib and protected her from the things that fell from the ceiling. She also had a lot of pictures and pamphlets of the boat that she rode over on.

This was important to me because I got to meet people with different experiences and learn things that I never knew before. But even more than that I could connect and talk to people about the things that they had experienced, and I could picture the things that they had to do and things that they had to go through. Most of the time Mrs. Timmer was talking I was on the edge of my seat leaning closer to her, because that is how much her story impacted me. I was actually sad when we had to switch to a different person because of how much her story touched my heart. Also, to connect in a deeper level, she has pushed me to work even harder in my dream of becoming a writer because she and other immigrants had much harder things that they had to deal with and yet they still stood tall and went on because they knew coming to the United States was like a new chance to be free or have a better life than they had there.

I sometimes forget that people around the world are suffering because they don’t have the same government that we have here, or they don’t have the same freedom. I feel like I forget that in other places people can’t worship who or what they want, and they get persecuted for what they believe in. At immigration day you heard stories about people not having enough food, that they have to live off what ever they can find like mice or bugs. I also think that this connects with what we challenged our selves to a few weeks ago. Where you had to change something in your life that maybe other people don’t have the luxury of. Some of the immigrants came with their families. l feel like no one should have to leave their friends and family or be persecuted for what they believe in. I feel that the United States is a safe place, but yet we still have many faults with people like ISIS or terrorists. When you think immigrants you think of their sad eyes stabbing your heart, but that wasn’t the case. The people that we talked to were joyful and probably happy that they shared their suffering and pain. Sharing not only the bad but also sharing the good times they had, and funny times too. I’m glad that we had immigration day because it opened my eyes to things I had never thought of before. I think it is a great experience that every one should hear about, and for all those that are still suffering to know that they are never alone and that there is still hope for them yet.