Description Writing

Grace Mott

Mrs. Roskamp

L.A, 8A

10 September 2015

Description Writing


The heart card reminds me of my sisters wedding. Click, click, click, I hear high heels hitting the hard floor as a bridesmaid runs down the hallway. Screams and shouts echo through the morning air. My sister is in a beautiful dress doing her hair as bridesmaid surround her. They all gasp in awe at how prepossessing she looks. We hear the last call for hair and makeup and we go up stairs and we get in line to walk down the aisle. I take the arm of my partner and whisper to him “please don’t let me fall.” He chuckles in response and we stride down the aisle so that we can get it over with. As we all leave the wedding, bubbles fly all around us, as a symbolic message wishing the newlywed couple the best. The next thing I know i’m tasting the most scrumptious food and cake I have ever eaten. The last thing I do that Is dance with my sister and I remember the laughing and cheering as ten people get up and dance to “Watch Me.” The music stops and I get off the dance floor and go sit by my friends. We chat happily among ourselves as we plunge deeper into the night.    

The four leaf clover card reminds me of when I have dance shows. Some people have different good luck charms and ways to help their nerves. For me it’s a four leaf clover. Ever since I was little it’s the thing that makes me feel like I have complete confidence. Ting, ting, ting. I hear the tap shoes hitting the ground as they perform their dance. I’m next and I can feel the anticipation in the air. I step on to the stage. The blinding lights are all I can see. I start the dance and I imagine the moves in my head. I finished the dance and the music came to a screeching halt. I hear the clapping and I take a bow. Slowly I step off the stage. I reach to my pocket, there lies the four leaf clover.

The book card reminds me that I finished reading a book over the summer. I take off running, hitting the road hard. I feel the pain in my leg and I am too dehydrated to run very far. Finally I hit a tree stem and I fall. Unable to get back up I lie in defeat. ” I read these pages as the images pop into my head. Five pages left I wonder how it will end. I read the last page and I heave a loud sigh. Another terrible ending. “The arrow pierced my shoulder I can feel the pain and blood flow to my shoulder. I get light headed “Crap” I say to myself so quiet that only I can hear. My kidnapper came to take me away. I guess I will have to finned another way to escape next time. I fall into a deep sleep.”     


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