Theme Writing
Tuesday October 07th 2014, 8:54 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

They have no speech, they use no words; no sounds is heard from them. Yet their voices go out into all the earth, their words to the end of the world. -Psalm 19: 3-4

Last May we went to Camp Roger for leadership camp. We came up with the theme Shout Silently-Actions that Speak and learned how to be better leaders of the school. I can use the theme Shout Silently as an 8th grader at school and also in the world. 

There are lots of ways that I can Shout Silently at school. I can help people with whatever they need like homework or being friends with everyone, not just my really close friends. I can Shout Silently by being nice and smiling at younger kids in the hallway or outside. Respecting others is a huge way to Shout Silently. I need to do random acts of kindness, put others first and treat others the way I would want to be treated.

I can Shout Silently with my actions at home and in the world. When I am at home this year I am going to try my best to do things the first time I am asked and not complain, do things that need to be done without being asked, and serving people without receiving anything back from them. I can Shout  Silently in the world by spending time with friends that I don’t see much or people who don’t have very many friends. Going on a mission trip is a bigger way that I could Shout Silently in the world.

I can use the theme Shout Silently as an 8th grader at school and also in the world. This year I am going to have lots of opportunities to Shout Silently. We are the leaders of the school, so our actions are especially important this year.

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