Friday November 21st 2014, 8:47 am  Tagged
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Sometimes, in math class, I wonder why we need to learn things because we are never going to use them in real life. How am I going to use transformations and congruence in real life? Why do I need to know the difference between rational and irrational numbers? Other times in math, I can see how we would actually use it in real life. In math right now I am learning and reviewing how to find area, volume, and circumference. I think that is something that I could actually use in real life in a lot of different ways. If you are building something, like a shed or barn, you are probably going to need to know the area and volume so you know how much you can put in it. If you are building anything that includes circles, you will probably need to know how to find the area using pi. There are lot of ways that you can use circumference, area, and volume in real life.

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