March 20

the price is right

The past two week was more fun than the normal math. I learned that probability is actually harder than I thought. the past two weeks I didn’t learn as much about math It was easier than normal math.  I learned that probability can be controlled. Probability can be controlled in my favor or the others favor. I think imath is different because you don’t have the teachers to tell you what you are doing, or show you how to do it.

Photo on 3-20-15 at 11.27 AM

January 27

social studies amazon people

I think the loggers are the best. The reason i chose the loggers is because they are helping the people and they are making money. The loggers make money by selling the trees. The logger make room for the cattle ranchers and the settlers. The loggers also make paper. The loggers make lumber for houses and furniture, so their helping you get shelter.


The other people say ‘Oh your wasting trees!!’ but seriously do you think that were gonna just go through the amazon and say umm… I want that one and that one and maybe the one about a mile down that way. No. I don’t think so. This is the most efficient way to do it and it makes more space for the settlers and ranchers ant the wood we can give to the settlers for fire wood. So.. In conclusion the loggers are the best fore the people and MONEY!!!!!!!!


Braden Gruppen

January 16

bible exam









sinai law



sent to the promised land



salute to a king



symbol of a lamb



side to destruction









December 5

Immigration Day



      Immigration day was a day when we ‘interviewed’ first generation immigrants in groups and they told us about what it was like for them to immigrate to the U.S. It was really cool to hear the stories that they had to tell, they were the best. One of the people we talked to was Dr. Kim he was from North Korea and he is now a missionary he has gone to over 12 countries. He was is South Korea (I don’t remember where it was but I think it was South Korea) and took a cab to the port but the driver was cheating him and took the looooong way and when he was there the driver said it was a hundred dollars so it was a lot of money then and Dr Kim took the driver outside and said, “I know martial arts do you want to die here or lower the price?” so the driver lowered the price 🙂

this was important to me because we get to talk to people that immigrated and hear their stories and what they had to say it was truly amazing and I loved it very much and it was the best experience that I had in a while and was just amazing. It was also important because I got to get information about what it was like to immigrate and be on the mayflower and to ‘escape’ North Korea and to live like a missionary it was really truly a wonderful experience.

This changed my perspective on the world and how others have to live and we just get off easier than others and how that in North Korea the people are pretty much brainwashed and they think that the ‘outside world’ is bad for over 40 yrs (I think.) It also changed my perspective that people have to give up a few things if they are going to immigrate like leave some family behind or their house and all their stuff except what you can fit in a wood box it just makes me feel bad for them.

November 4

picture book advice


-use humor

-dont force sentences to rhyme

-respect young audience

-focus on characters hobbies and likes


-tell a story that inspires the reader

-multicultural stories are big

-read as many picture books as possible

-don’t use imminent objects



-don’t copy other books

-use correct grammer

September 11


as I look at the pictures and read the stories in the newspapers from after 9-11 I really see al the fear and sorrow of the faces of different faces I really feel bad for them and I get scared knowing that It could happen again at anytime. I also see all the destruction and I think that all the horror of everyone It amazes me what the terrorists will do.