God at Work

When Paul/Saul was a kid he had a teacher that taught him scripture so that he could later use that scripture to tell others about God. In 5th grade my parents got divorced which brought me closer to God and I started doing daily devotions and I had a christian drawing book that I would draw in and put drawing that fit with the situation.

Mt. Vesuvius

In my group was Eric and Jaylyn.

To make our Volcano we used medal wire to form a perimeter then we put paper mache to form the volcano. A party popper is in the middle of the volcano and when we pull the string it will go ca-boomy. We painted it brown and red the red representing “lava”

Spanish Blog post #5

Ver a un medico es mucho mas bajo en Colombia. Una cita puede costar alrededor 
de $ 35.00. Todo el mundo tiene acceso a la atencion de salud de Colombia. 
Columbia tiene una companía de seguros de salud pública.Un desliz de tierra en 
colombia mató a más de 230 personas

Spaghetti, Marshmallow Tower

I was with Henry VB, Thomas, and Jaden. The braces on the corners went well because it holds the spaghetti sticks together better. We tapped 2 spaghetti sticks together to make them longer which allowed us to attach them longer distances. We added like a nest on the top to hold the egg and secure it. What didn’t go well was when we added the top part of the tower it started to lean and tilt. I think it might actually hold the egg and last the “earthquake.”

Metaphor Writing

Collin Dykgraaf

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8A

14 November 2016

I Am A WaterFall

I am a water fall. A waterfall consists of many adventures. The first way I am like a waterfall is that there are many mysteries and achievements that are still to be found and achieved . In a waterfall there can sometimes be caves hidden in the depths of the waterfall. In the caves that hide behind the waterfall are filled with achievements that you never knew would be there. My life is full of hidden mysteries. My life is also full of achievements that i still need to get too and go through. Some of the achievements have been people that have come into my life and also helped me. The people in my life are still figuring out some of my mysteries. They go through achievements with me and don’t give up on me. The water at the top of the waterfall is like all my emotions that build up and then released into better things once i get them out

I am also like a waterfall because of the moss that grows at the bottom on the rocks. I am like the rocks at the bottom because the water that comes down is like all of the pain that you go through and once you have gone through all the pain you steady out and once you steady out life becomes beautiful. The end result is the best part because of how much you see and what you have learned. When all of that comes together you see the true beauty of life. The water beating down on the rocks are like sin because the water hurts so much from the pressure. The moss that grows on you are like the scares from all the sin that has happened to you or that you did.

I am alos like a waterfall because God created me and he also created waterfalls. He made waterfall to give people peace and calmness when they look at them and I feel like God put me on this earth to bring people peace. I like to keep things calm and peaceful. My christianity and amazing love for God has shaped me to be the person I am today and that I hope to become.   

And finally, the last reason I am like a waterfall is because of the beautiful pond at the bottom of the waterfall. The pond at the bottom is like my faith because when you get to the bottom of the waterfall it is all beautiful. The pond surrounded by the amazing forest is the end result once you have gone through all of the bad times. The the streams that go off from the pond are the new paths the hurt has opened up.

God Sightings

On Sunday in church a pastor came from Grand Rapids and talked about PIG and the P stands for pray, I stands for invest, and the G stands for give. I saw God in the weather over the weekend because of how foggy it was and the temperature. I saw God in the temperature because its almost ThanksGiving and theres no snow and its warm.

Science Chain


For the past couple of days we were making chains and testing how strong they are. To make our chain we used pipe cleaners rubber bands and string to hold it all together. Me (Collin) and Hannah N were partners for this assignment and our team name was “Sah Dood.” We had a list of materials that we could use and we only used half of our options but I think we could have used more. I feel like we made a decent chain. We weren’t allowed to research anything on good chains.

Theme writting Oct. 3

Collin Dykgraaf

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8A

16 September 2016


Colossians 3:17

And whatever you do whether in word or deed do it all in the name of the lord jesus giving thanks to God the father through him



When I think of selfless I think of God because he sent his only sun to die for our sins and that would be very hard. At the end of 7th grade we went to the church across the street. The teachers split us up into groups and we had to all look through the bible and find different verses. I can apply this theme to my Life as an 8th grader at Zeeland Christian School and to my life in the community and in the world.


This year’s theme verse can apply to my life here at Zeeland Christian School. Being a 8th grader at Zeeland Christian there are many different ways I could be selfless. Once everyone leaves the commons I could go help pick up and put the chairs and wheely things. When class is done I could ask the teachers if they need help stacking chairs or helping clean up the floors. If a teacher needed help at the end of the day or during the day I could see if they needed me to take papers to other teachers. If the whiteboards are getting dirty I could clean them. Once lunch is done i could get a paper towel and wipe them up and put all the chairs back to the desk’s.


This Year’s theme also applies to my life outside of school. To be selfless in my community I could go around my neighborhood picking up trash. (if there is any). I could also go downtown Zeeland and pick up trash. I could mow my neighbor’s lawns for free if they need help. A way I could be selfless is Holding doors open for people walking in.


When I think of selfless I think of God because he sent his only sun to die for our sins and that would be very hard. Being selfless is very hard to do because everyone wants to have stuff to themselves and not share and I think we need to try and do better at that. Being a 8th grader at Zeeland Christian is a big role because the littler kids all look up to you. That is was I think selfless mean to me

H20 BingBong

our boat is made of Styrofoam, tin foil, popsicle sticks, Styrofoam cup. Our boat went about 7 seconds. One of our good ideas was putting tin foil on the bottom of the boat. We then added after that we put paper in front of the styrofoam cup and put straw around the styrofoam. A couple bad ideas we had were putting a bunch of hot glue on the boat. Overall our boat was fairly descent boat unnamed