Mini bible project

Well he was up on a hill side, I could see in the distance that the disciples were making more and more disciples by spreading the word. As I can see from where I am standing I see that Stephen was talking about the true word of God, but Jews of Cyrene and Alexandria said that he “blasphemous words against Moses and against God.” After what they heard from those people they seized him. I could not tell what was going on after that so I had to move in closer. I moved in and I could see that there was a very very big crowd that were yelling and saying things that I could not understand. I tried to move in closer to see what was going on with Stephen but the crowd was too big. So i just had to follow them to where ever they were taking Stephen to.
I ended up following them and they took him to the priests and the priests asked him is this all true.
Stephen said yes this is all true the Lord almighty will come again and he went on and on about the stories of the past in which the Lord would do. He told the priests that he did all that the priests said that he might do. But all the priests did not believe him. all they did is grind their teeth at him. The priests said take him away. I saw that the people did they took Stephen and the were walking him out of the city and they were stoning him at the same time. They did this for like and hour or so they just keep stoning him and throwing stones at him. Me personally it was a bad sight to see I really wish I did not have to see this. But then Stephen said to heaven and to God and Jesus God please forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing. Soon after that all I could see was that he fell to the ground asleep. That was all I could see because all the people were crowded around him shouting and yelling. It was a tragic thing to see I wish I was not the reporter that had to report this story. I hope that Stephen is ok.

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