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Photo on 5-14-15 at 12.51 PM

This is the project that we had to do for science class. And We did it on erosion. So our project for my group was wind erosion. So we had to research about our project that we have been given. So after we did all the research we had to put a model of it and present it to the class.

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There is about 10-12 seconds of blackness in the beginning os just hang on there are no fast forward just hang back and enjoy the keynote/ movie.

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Mini bible project

Well he was up on a hill side, I could see in the distance that the disciples were making more and more disciples by spreading the word. As I can see from where I am standing I see that Stephen was talking about the true word of God, but Jews of Cyrene and Alexandria said that he “blasphemous words against Moses and against God.” After what they heard from those people they seized him. I could not tell what was going on after that so I had to move in closer. I moved in and I could see that there was a very very big crowd that were yelling and saying things that I could not understand. I tried to move in closer to see what was going on with Stephen but the crowd was too big. So i just had to follow them to where ever they were taking Stephen to.
I ended up following them and they took him to the priests and the priests asked him is this all true.
Stephen said yes this is all true the Lord almighty will come again and he went on and on about the stories of the past in which the Lord would do. He told the priests that he did all that the priests said that he might do. But all the priests did not believe him. all they did is grind their teeth at him. The priests said take him away. I saw that the people did they took Stephen and the were walking him out of the city and they were stoning him at the same time. They did this for like and hour or so they just keep stoning him and throwing stones at him. Me personally it was a bad sight to see I really wish I did not have to see this. But then Stephen said to heaven and to God and Jesus God please forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing. Soon after that all I could see was that he fell to the ground asleep. That was all I could see because all the people were crowded around him shouting and yelling. It was a tragic thing to see I wish I was not the reporter that had to report this story. I hope that Stephen is ok.

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El caso de Anthony Elonis fue que el se puso unos palabras en facebook que eran como amenazas. Y el Fue al corte suprema para estos cosas que puso en facebook. Y el corte suprema puso el en el carcell. En mi opinion yo creo que el debe ir al carcel era un buen decision de el corte suprema dijo.

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What we have been making in science in the last week or so we have been making a Marshmallow and Spaghetti tower. It was a long process to do but we did it. I think that this project was a fun thing to do, and it was worth it. I think that our tower was really strong and I believe that it will stand with a egg on top. This project has pushed the limits on a lot but most of all we learned from it.IMG_0652

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The Holy Spirit is like a voice in my head that tell me from right and wrong and he guide me into the right place. He is someone that is there for me ever step of the way no matter what, He is there no matter the place he is always going to be there. Even when you think you can take things into your hands you cant and thats what the Holy Spirit is for He is there to make sure you are to help you. He is there to support you when you have bad times and simply think you cant. But He is there for every purpose that you can think about. He is there to simply guide you when you have feel off your path, He and the Power God and Jesus all work together to put you on track so that you can get right back up and begin your journey again.

Where have I seen the Holy Spirit at work in my life was when we were in the proses of adoption that is where I could sense that the Holy Spirit was there because it was a long proses and it was probably over a maybe 2 years and I could just feel the Holy Spirit there with us maybe telling us it that it was ok. I think that it was really awesome that I could just feel the Holy Spirit in our possession. That was the best time that I can think of was when I could feel the percents of the Holy Spirit.

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In math class I have learned this method called scientific notation. It was a frustrating lesson, because it is not easy. You might think it is easy but until you do it. Then it is not so easy, it if you do it enough times I think you probably be fine. For me I don’t do it enough times so it was really hard. I think you could use this in real life by either being a math teacher or just doing in school. The things you do in school will help you later on in your life. So if you learn the complicated things now it will help you later in life.

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Our class got to go bowling on a Tuesday the 11 of November, from 12:30-2:20. That was a fun experience just to talk to people and just have fun. I wish we could’ve done that a lot more, because its a good way to interact with different people.  It was just  fun just to bowl with your friends.  It was just all around a great time.  It was fun to see all my friends and just talk each other.

Here is one of my metaphor writings that I did for my Language Arts class.


 One time this summer I went to South Dakota and that was like going up the plateau because we got to go on vacation. That was a great experience for me just as I think it was for my family. We got to go to a couple of different national parks. That were different because I have not been to a national park in like 4 years. The 2 national parks/ national monument, that we went to were WindCave, Badlands, and one national monument witch was MT. Rushmore. The one that was really interesting was the WindCave because we got to see this awesome box work. When we were touring the tour guide said we call this the box work mail room. Because it looks like a mail room. That was really cool to see, another really cool thing was the guide said that this rock is like popcorn because its looks like it pulse its formed like it. While we were in the cave it was dark as the sky you could barley see He feel into a hole, he was terrified when he hear a nock three times and destroyed the door. Because that was acually true it sounded freaky sometimes when the water feel down off the rocks. Those were some of the cool things about the cave. Another cool thing was when we went to the badlands. It was just all rock and sand. But they were so tall just as if they could touch the sky. They were massive, I cant believe that I climbed it. It felt like I was flying because of the wind through the air. It was so awesome when I got down and actually went trough the tunnels and cracks of the badlands it was like I was invisible because I was there and then gone. That was the best part. What was cool about MT. Rushmore was that the presidents were carved in the rock. It was just so awesome. It felt like the presidents were alive looking at me it was just mind blowing.  Its like a plateau because I got to do something really fun and exciting, so I am climbing the plateau to the top, because its something great happening.

Another time was when we were playing indoor and we lost like 7-0. That to me is like climbing down the plateau because its something bad happening. It all started when we started the game, they got to kick off because they won the coin tows. So they wanted to start with the ball first and they got the ball first. So then the score board rang and the game began they passed and passed and finally shot at the goal first shot first goal. So after that we got to kick off we passed and then someone came up and took the ball away it was like a frat train coming he was haling. Before you knew it he had the ball and was the stinky part was that he had a brake away. So then he scored off of that also so now the score was 2-0. We got to. kick off again. Same thing happened they scored because they were just like cheetahs running down the field. They just were to fast. Then by that time it was half time. We got the ball second half because they wanted to kick first half. So we got it passed it up and took a shot and it was rejected. They got it up crossed it and scored. Same thing happened again, again, and again. They were just to good. This experience is going down the plateau because we were just not doing very good and we lost really, really bad. So that meant we are going down the plateau.

A God thing was in my life when Asher came home for the first time. I think, that it is going up the plateau because its something good happening. It was kind of really cool because I got to see my little new brother for the first time that was just so cool and so awesome and I also got to see my parents again because they were also gone for about a week. But I think for the most part that was a God moment because how awesome everything was. A great thing was that there were so many people there, it was if there as much as fish in the sea we had that many people there. That I think was cool all those people to support us and to watch them for the first time all so.

Another great time in my life was when we got to go Florida when I was little. That was a time in my life when it was like I am going up the plateau because of something is happening. Well when we went to Florida the driving stunk because it took 2 days it felt like you were driving to the moon and back. But eventually we got there and we stet our stuff up. Florida was kind of cool. It was always the right temperature when we were there it was just awesome. We got to go in the pool like everyday. We got to feed the ducks and alligators too. That was just all around a fun trip to go to. Hope I can go back there sometime. It is like a plateau because something great is happening in my life, so it like when you are climbing up the plateau because something good is happening.




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The past few weeks we have been learning about the Jesus’ Crucifixion, the last 7 words of Jesus. Well we had about 7 posters witch was like his 7 words, that Jesus said before he was about to die. We also talked about when how the 7 words applied to those 7 poster, and we put some thought that we had on those posters. We talked about how all of them applied to Jesus.

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