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One thing that I learned in math was that I could solve two-step equations. That was one thing that messed me up. But I did it over and over again and Finally I got it. I think you might use this when you are a teacher, you might use this when you teach in class. I think its a different kind of equation but once you get it, it is a fun step to do.

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Theme Writing 

They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voices goes out into all the earth, theirs words to the end of the world. Psalms 19:3-4 


This year as an 8th grader I am going to take the verse very seriously. I am going to use this theme that we have chosen at the 8th grade leadership camp. Being an 8th grader to me is leading the whole school and leading the whole school can mean lots of responsibility. This year as 8th graders we had to choose a verse and a theme for the whole entire school that theme is Shout Silently. 

As an 8th grader I can use this theme by setting an example to the others that will come for the years to come.  Couple of my goal that I would like to achieve is that I want to grow more spiritually with God, and I want to just be a good leader to this school. Another goal that I had is to, learn and achieve different things in school. I want to achieve being a good leader. Because good leadership will impact a lot of different students.

In the world, I can use this theme by What a Christian means to me is that we can live for God and that we can worship God without persecution. That Jesus died for us so that we can have eternal life with him in heaven. That being a Christian means a lot to me because Jesus and God are just everything and to know that they have their hand around you at all times. That its nice to have someone to talk to when you have times of trouble.

This year as 8th graders we had to choose a verse and a theme for the whole entire school that theme is Shout Silently. I think we picked a great theme, that is challenging at sometimes. Because there is times when its easy. Then there are times when its supper hard.   But I think this is the one that stands out the most. I think it might impact someone from your actions that speak.

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Photo on 6-4-14 at 12.53 PM #2                Esto es mi cartel.


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Please answer these on your blog.

Respond to the following…
–What was your favorite part of our simulation? The part where we had to like defend our country.
–What did you learn? Well I learned a lot about my country and as well a lot of other countries that I had no clue about. I was a fun thing.
–What was the hardest part? Well I think the hardest part was when we had to do a lot of research. To me that was hard.
–How did your opinion/perspective on African change through this process? Well I was in a group and we all had one opinion and I think it helped a lot to me it did.
–What was it like to negotiate with other countries? Well I think it was hard for the most part because others countries sometimes don’t agree with you.
Purpose Qs:
–Why was this activity significant? Well we learned a lot.
–What did you learn about yourself? That I can do a lot of things.
–What did you learn about other people, either in your classroom or internationally? Well we can have great discussions.
What now? Qs:
–How does this challenge you to live differently after experiencing this?
–How does this challenge you to interact differently with other people?
–What is your role in the international community?
–How do you now feel challenged to act?

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Screen Shot 2014-05-22 at 9.43.40 AM Photo on 5-21-14 at 9.59 AM

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I like this phrase that is in the Lord’s Prayer. Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. So it is pretty much just saying whatever your will is make be in heaven just as it is on earth. I think that really stands out to me. In the whole Lord’s Prayer.

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¿Como ha combiado ya tu perspectiva sobre África? Y mi perspectiva no es mal de África. Porque tengo un hermano de África. Y yo se que unos partes no tienen mucho. Pero estos son en unos partes. Pero en otros partes tienen mucho. Creo que África  es un buen espacio para if. Mis padres fueron y dijeron que era muy diferente pero pudrían ver muchos diferentes animales. Y era muy buen experiencia.

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¿Como es semejante  y diferente la vida en México DF que la vida en Zeeland? Es diferente porque hay más personas que tienen mejores trabajos que los en México. Y queremos más creo que los en México. No se realmente pero por ver el information. Creo que soy correcto puedo ser incorreto también. Pero estos son mi opiniones.

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Nosotros estábamos trabajando en un proyecto de Cataluña. Era de si Cataluña debe tener independencia ó no. Y necesitábamos leer un sección de Cataluña. Y necesitamos tomar notas de el sección. Después de esto conversamos de Cataluña. Era interesante que los otros personas tenia diferentes opiniones. Y tomamos notas de esto. No necesitamos pero yo hico por acaso. Porque quería. Después de todo en el final presentamos. Los presentaciones eran buenos. Pero el de mi presentación creo que necesita mejorar. Pero creo esto es bueno. Algo para mejorar es bueno. Yo aprendí mucho de Cataluña que no sabía antes. Y no sabia nada antes y ahora se much. No sabia que necesitaban pagar tantos impuestos a España. No sabia muchos de su cultura, esto era un interesante cosa para estudiar. Y era un buen experiencia para mi. 🙂

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