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Well we made, a picture book in Language Arts. We had to do a process, that went kind of like this. The first thing we had to to is, researched, and survey little 2 graders for their opinion on what should be in a picture book. So we did just that.  We took their ideas into consideration, and tried to use them in our picture book. Then we did that but, before we put them in our book we had to brain storm some ideas first. You cant have a book with out ideas it just wont be the same. So we brained stormed for a couple of weeks. That went well but in accession it was a little stress full to. After the brain storming was finished, we did a rough draft. The rough draft was not the best part, and not the easiest to deal with, but sometimes you just need to do it. Guess what it was not that hard if you stick with it. Believe me I went through it. After we did that we had to edit the mistakes we had in the rough draft. We did that for a couple of weeks.

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Well I am in band right now. I have been in band sense 5th grade. I want to be in band because I want to get better. Because I play the kit drums and I think that it will help me get better. Band is a lot of fun. 🙂

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Yo habló con la maestra Zandervan. Ella era de Mexico, y ella dijo que era muy diferente de aquí, los Estados Unidos. Porque los niñas hacen todo la comida porque es parte de cultura. Y los niños solo hace que quieren mucho del tiempo ven al fútbol. Y Cuando terminan de cocinar solo coman y después terminan. También tiene coca cola con cada cena. Y facto raro era que los bebes toman coca cola también. Y esto me sorprendí. Pero es parte del cultura. Otra cosa que era raro era los niñas no pueden salir del casa a los 10:00 es el máximo que pueden ir en la noche punto. Y los niños pueden salir del casa a los 12:00 y es el máximo que pueden salir en la noche. Y esto sorprendí a mi. De su país. Y ella le gustó a Michigan también porque ella le gustó el lago Michigan. Eso era un factor de atracción. Y para venir al país no tome mucho tiempo como muchos personas para su visa.

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Los pasados 5 semanas nosotros estábamos trabajando en un proyecto, en nuestra escuela. El proyecto ayudo a la trafico y a los vecinos. Porque los vecinos no le gustaba como nuestro manera de trafico esta funcionando. Entonces fuimos y observamos el trafico. Y fuimos a nuestros oficinas ( que es nuestros clases.) Y tomo muchos pasos para terminar. El proyecto. Mi grupo fue a los vecinos y entrevistó a ellos. Para su opinión. Y haciendo esto tuvimos mucho información. Y tomamos este información  y hicimos un presentación enfrente de los estudiantes.Y también Señor Van Dyk. Y Señor Geenen porque ellos son del el comité escolar. Y un vecino. Y yo aprendí mucho en este proyecto. Y yo no sabia que pudia hacer estos cosas. Y yo aprendí mucho de mi y otras personas como en mi grupo. Y trabajar bien en grupo como si tome mucho tiempo para un idea esta bien. Porque si todo el grupo le gusta. Esto es fantástico y esto es que queremos. No creo que voy a actuar diferente  porque no es un tan importante para mi. Gracias para leer mi leyendo. 🙂 🙂 🙂

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Well I think that Romans 10:9-14 passage means that if you know the Lord that you will be saved. Also how do people know the Lord without them preaching to them. So it is telling us that we need to tell others about the Lord. And it aplies to me because I should tell other people about God. And I should preach to them.

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The book I am currently reading is Harry Potter. Harry Potter is a fantasy book because they use magic. Interesting because there is this bad guy that wants to get Harry Potter and his name is lord Voldemort. He is trying to get Harry because when Voldemort  tried to kill Harry he could not kill him because  Harry had the protection from his mom. In every book Harry  has to fight Voldemort. The book that  I am on the 5th book and it gets intense. In every book they  have a teacher that works for Voldemort so they have to replace the teachers every year.

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In the past few weeks we have been working on the What if Design Innovation project. We are 6th grade from Zeeland Christian school. We have been asked by the city of Zeeland to Design a gathering please on the corner of Elm and Main St. It was some work to brainstorm ideas. We did this technique called a cluster. We would put them in a clusters by witch category  they go. Then we would pick some like one or two then we would research them. Then when we finished the research, we did a keynote about the information. Then after every group went we moved on to quantitative, qualitative, and Secondary research. So that most of what we are learning.

Over the whole process I have learned More about my self  and more about other people. I have learned that working together dose work, and you can accomplish more things that way. Like you can get things done more quickly. But it dose not always work, there is a lot of communicating, and sometimes frustration. But you know sometimes it is not all that fun working together. But sometimes it is fun working together.  This project was a fun experience. I learned a lot more about designing. I never  thought that at times is can be a big hazel. Sometimes stuff dose not go as the way you planed. I had to experience that kind  of thing. Then after all the process  we made a scale model of the park. Then the three classes had to pick, the beat presentation to present, to Mr.Klunder Mrs.Deroo. One of the groups that presented was me. So there was only three groups that presented. Something I will always remember is that I learned a lot.


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Our assignment was to describe a word  picture in the readers minde. How did I do? 

    You should make a car trip to Louisville, Kentucky today and down to Mammoth Caves National Park. When you hike into the caves, you will experience sounds and noises, and you will hear water trickling down the wall. As if there was an echo, you could probably say your name and it will respond back. There are many puddles filled with crayfish and other clear fish that live in the darkness. My family went on a tour of Mammoth Caves.There were a few small,brown bats that we saw. As they flew, we could hear them squeak. The rock formations were bright white. They have names that are called stalagmites and stalactites. The formations have funny names, but they are very interesting.We saw a small waterfall. It was cool that God made all these beautiful things for us. 

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