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Pearl Questions

May 17, 2013 by ckoele17 · No Comments · Uncategorized

After I got done reading the Pearl, what stood out to me the most was the way the pearl affected Kino and Juana. After the declined the offer that the town gave them, everything seemed to go downhill for them. In this book, the way everything changed for them impacted me the most. I felt bad for them and they really just needed to get rid of the pearl. I learned a lot from this book. I learned how family can really affect you. The way Kino always heard songs in his head like songs of evil, and songs of family. This matters because it really tells you the whole setting and how Kino feels about others. Going strait back to the other question, I see people differently, thinking about the songs that Kino heard in his head. The way I look at them, thinking about what song they would be to me. Such as friendly song or an evil one. All in all I enjoyed reading this book even though it was a tough one.


Shadow Day

May 7, 2013 by ckoele17 · No Comments · Uncategorized

This shadow day I went to MVP athletic club and shadowed a sports trainer who helped people with their work outs. I really enjoyed my time there because I got to help others work out and join in on one of the biking sessions they do there. Most of the day was training people, but sometimes I got to go over the the work out floor and watch people. For this, you have to make sure no one gets hurt on the training floor and if they are using the equipment correctly. I really enjoyed this day and I could see myself doing this because I love doing sports and I love working out, so I think that I might fit this job perfectly.


If I could have anything…

May 6, 2013 by ckoele17 · No Comments · Uncategorized

If I could have anything in the world that I wanted, I would probably choose a F 22 fighter jet. I know it seems a little bit crazy, but this would be one of the coolest things in the world to own. I would choose this because I am a pilot myself, and being able to fly one of these daily would be amazing. I could also bring people on rides and have a lot of fun flying places. Even so, a lot would have to change if I was even able to have one of these. First, the military would have to lend me or give me one of these 678 million dollar jets. After that, they would have to put me through training on how to fly the jet safely, so I would not crash it. Then, I would have to get a special license stating that I was allowed to fly this jet. Finally, airports would have to open their runways to my plane so that I could legally land and fly out of the airports. A lot would have to change if I got this plane, but it would be worth it.



Current Event

May 3, 2013 by ckoele17 · No Comments · Uncategorized

747 Cargo Plane Crash

Monday of April 29, a large cargo plane flying down to Dubai terribly crashed moments after the plane was airborne and heading for its destination. The plane crashed at around noon local time, and it instantly killed all 7 Americans crew members who were on the plane. The victims have now been identified and the weather condition that day is possibly one of the many reasons the plane could have crashed. All of the crew members of this flight were highly experienced and very calm under stressful situations and in the face of danger. One of the victims mother says, “Gary Stockdale also knew the dangers of flying. He always said it was dangerous. He would always say ‘You either will die in a car crash or a ball of flame in a plane.” The cause of the cargo Boeing 747 crash at the Bagram Airfield is still unknown, but the weather condition that day is being considered as a main factor because of the thunderstorms that were brewing in the area. METARS, a weather reporting format which was used for aviation purposes, indicated a closeby thunderstorm with swirling winds that coincided with the plane’s takeoff. Seconds later the plane was in burning wreckage and sitting on the ground with no survivors. Another factor of the crash could be the heavy cargo they were hauling. It was reported that 7 tanks were being shipped to their next destination, so if some of the straps of tie downs came loose, they could have easily shifted and altered the course of the airplane enough to make it crash. I feel really bad for all the family members of lost ones in this crash, and think that this must be a horrible experience for them. I am also amazed at how such a complex machine can crash and be destroyed so easily in a matter of seconds.



School Senate Discussion

April 9, 2013 by ckoele17 · No Comments · Uncategorized

During the senate session, I really enjoyed how everyone was able to interact with each other and discuss important topics together. Even though it sometimes got out of hand. It was cool to see everyone’s different opinions on the topics brought up. I also enjoyed how our classmates ran the senate session. Our teacher was listing and sitting by, but we were able to run the session without being told what to do. It really felt like there was a real government senate going on in our classroom. A couple of things that frustrated me was when people would arrive to the senate session without being prepared. Sometimes it felt like they didn’t care, and didn’t know their facts about the topic they were presenting. It really just made it rough and difficult for the rest of the class to try and understand what point that they were trying to get across. I also didn’t like when people would table motions that we were having good discussion on. The motion would receive the same different ideas than the day before, so why table it? Sometimes I felt like we just needed to figure it out without waiting on it.

After the senate session, I learned a lot about my class, country, and me. I learned that sometimes I get really frustrated when people don’t do their research and go up there and “wing it.” We were trying to make it as realistic as possible, and I got mad when there was really nothing there to vote on, just some basic information. Also, I learned that I can work good with other classmates who have the same ideas as I do. About my class, I learned that we work together well, but we all ave out differences. Sometimes we couldn’t agree on some things, and sometimes everyone worked together really well.

In to the future, I really wouldn’t change much about the class session. I really liked how we all interacted and how we had punishments if we talked to much. It help keep us all in line and kept it running smooth. One of my favorite parts was being able to add our opinion into a topic. I don’t think I would change anything either though.



Comparing Governments

March 7, 2013 by ckoele17 · No Comments · Uncategorized

What surprised me about the countries around the world was their different governments. Not all countries have a government just like ours. Instead of presidents, some might have a Chief of State that would rule the country. Some might have a Prime Minister as their head of government and so on. I used to think that all countries worked the same way with their governments, but now I have found differently. Another thing that surprised me was the different countries independence. Not all country was founded at the same time. The United States had their independence on July 4, 1787. Where Fiji had their independence much later, on October 10, 1970. There are even countries that have been formed in the past few years. Now that I have learned about different governments and countries, I look at the world differently. I see that each county has something unique about them, and not one country is like another. Some were founded later than others. Some have a constitution and some of them don’t. The world is very different when it comes to countries.


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New and Improved Smart Phone

February 22, 2013 by ckoele17 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Todays smart phones may be very smart, but over the next ten years, your whole idea of a smart phone will completely change. This will include 3-D displays, no screens, new security, and much more. Here are a few things that will change everything about your smart phone.

One of the coolest things that they are improving is cutting all screens. Not all screens on phones will go away, but you will have the option of it. People will really enjoy this because it will reduce the need for a large battery. Instead of tapping the phone, it will be able to recognize you finger motions and see what you are trying to do. Another interesting thing is the all new security on the phone. Instead of having a long password that is easy to forget, the phone will recognize you based on your finger print, but if there’s no screen, it will scan you and recognize your voice and your picture. Even when you handle the phone, it will memorize your patterns and how you handle it, crazy! You can change the security very high when you are doing things like banking or other personal information. If not, you can turn your security down for Facebook and calling. One last thing is the new payment system. Your phone will pretty much become all of your credit cards and ID. When you go into a store and buy something, your phone can show your credit card and you can pay with it. Your regular wallet will become literally digital. Even though all of this is very cool, it is farther away than we can make it sound. Most of the technology is there, but we just need to put all together.

I think that this is very cool. It would be awesome when I am older to be able to have a phone that does things out of this world, and that looks and works like something from the future. I think that the people made this and who will come up with the new phone are very smart and know there things. I also think it is very interesting, that most of this stuff has never been heard of in todays phones.


Volcano Project pics 1

February 21, 2013 by ckoele17 · No Comments · Uncategorized


Volcano Project

February 21, 2013 by ckoele17 · No Comments · Uncategorized


Volcanes en Espanol

February 13, 2013 by ckoele17 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Volcanas esponiol (1)


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