Photo on 14-05-15 at 13.59

The picture on the left is the before of our model, and the picture on the right is the after. The picture on the right is also turned the other way. In the model on the left, it shows how the coast line is strait, but the model on the right shows how the coast line pushes back and gets different things like sea cliffs, and sea stacks and such.

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Photo on 20-04-15 at 12.53

This is our cocacola volcano that we made.

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Stephen, a full hearted man
Sadly got stoned which wasn’t his plan,
Because the people of Synagogue, Cyrene, Alexandria and Asia lied,
Three times to be exact before he died.
But because of Stephens heart, the people stoned him,
Right before his death which was very grim.
But now he lives in heaven right with everyone else,
Who was nice to Stephen and had good health.
And for the people that stoned him, they will die too,
When it’s their time to go and right on cue.
But not today but sometime soon,
It doesn’t really matter so lets get back to the tune.
During the stoning, Stephen said this snippet
“Lord Jesus, receive my spirit”
He got down on his knees and yelled to his brothers,
“Lord do not hold my sin against those others”
Then he took his last dying breath,
Before he fell to his emollient death.
Now he lives and we should too,
Act like Stephen, but would you?

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We have been working on on a project called egg towers. That is where we get tape, spaghetti sticks, and tape to make a tower 40 centimeters high. The goal is to hold an egg and survive an earthquake at the same time. For our tower, we try’d to put as much triangles in it as we could to hold it up. The reason we did that was because a triangle is the strongest shape and many buildings use it.

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Bowling was very fun, I was like a minnow next to a bunch of wails that were yelling. I felt super small with my group because every one in my group was super tall which was funny. I had a good time and I our group was probably the most calm and quiet. On the second game, our group was messing around, but we still were one of the most quiet groups. Over all I wish we could do this again but maybe we could change it up and go some where else.

The End

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I think that these activities helped me think about how to be a better christian. Before we were studying, the only thing that I heard jesus say before he died was forgive them father, for they don’t know what they are doing, and I through he was talking about the people in front of him not the people next to him. Over all, I liked the whole thing and I learned a lot about how to be a better christian and also Jesus’ own words.

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This week, I’ve learned how to multiply and divide fractions. For instance, if you have a problem like five over six times four over seven, you need to go five times four and six times seven. In the end, the answer turns out to be 20 over 42, but you still have to simplify it which brings it down to ten over 21. If you want to learn how to divide fractions like five over six divided by four over seven, you just have to change the second fraction to seven over four, then all you need to do is multiply it like always. five times seven is 35 and six times four is 24. 35 over 24 is the answer. That is how you Multiply and divide fractions.

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This week, I’ve learned how to solve and graph inequalities. That is where you have a problem like e+24 is greater than or equal to 56. Then, you solve it by subtracting 24 and subtracting 56. Then you get e is greater than or equal to 32 and then you graph it on a number line.

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Cole Ockerse

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8A

3 September 2014

    Theme writing

They Have no speech, they use no words, no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice Goes out into all the earth, their words to the end of the world. Psalm 19:3-4 


In 7th grade, we picked a theme at leadership camp. As an 8th grader I can use our theme when I am at school and also around the world.  

As an 8th grader I can use our theme by saying hi or even talking to kids, or teachers in the hall. I also think it’s good to respect teachers, and when they tell me to do something, I should do it right away, whether it’s them telling me to be quiet, or them telling me to help them out on anything. I think that staying open at school is a good way to shout silently like not sticking with the same friend group always, just being open to invite people in. When I’m at school, I think a very good way to shout silently, is just to be nice to others, maybe it’s being slow to anger, or making them laugh.

I think that shouting silently in the world can be by just being happy and having a smile on your face. Respecting others I think is how I think we could use the theme. Being slow to anger is also how we could use the theme. If someone does something to you, or if you do something to your self, stop and calm down. This next one I’ve had trouble doing which is picking up after myself. I think that could be a good way to reflect our theme.

As an 8th grader I can use our theme when I am at school and also around the world. If we can all reflect shouting silently, I think that the whole world would be a lot kinder, and we would have more peace. Shouting silently is a small gesture of how we can change the world.



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Photo on 6-4-14 at 12.54 PM

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Lawn Boy by Gary Paulsen

This book is a well written book which is written in first person about a boy and his lawn mower. He soon finds out that he has more money that he could imagine. One young boy wants to buy a inner tube for his bike. His family doesn’t have much money until one day he gets a ride on lawn mower from his grandma passed of from his grandpa. He starts mowing his lawn, and right after, a guy walks up to him asking if he can mow his lawn. He starts mowing his neighbors lawn, and more and more people keep asking for lawns. The boy ends up running into many people who help him make more and more money. Soon, the boy is rich even though all he wanted was a inner tube for his bike. I recommend this book to anyone who likes reading fantasy books about what it would be like to be rich for a kid.

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I think that the best phrase that the lord says is, “as we forgive those who sin against us.”   I think that that phrase is important because Jesus knows what’s going to happen next and he is asking God to forgive everyone, even the ones that are going to kill him. Jesus in this phrase is ready to die, and he knows that many people are going to sin against him. I like that phrase because sometimes, we just have to forgive the people that make us mad or sad. Even when we don’t want to forgive our enemies, it’s the right thing.

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Last Thursday and Friday Mr. Minkus asked us to write down different words that signified what we thought of Africa and he put it on a WORDLE which takes all the words that were used the most and putting it on a collage. Most of the words that were used were People, Desert, Animals, and Languages. Mr. Minkus also put up a screen of a lot of different faces asking us if the person looks like someone from Africa, or somewhere els. When a new face came up we had to say Yes or No to which one is was. When we were done, I learned a lot that we really stereotype different countries other than ours. Some of the stuff that I want to learn more for Africa is more about what the people from Africa think of us in United States. I’m thinking that they think we are competitive, fat, lazy and all other bad things. I thought that the teaching that Mr. Minkus taught us was good because I learned a lot and how that we are all the same in someways.


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Who am I?


I am am someone who will be unhappy if others are unhappy. I don’t like to see people that are sad, so when I see that, I try to cheer them up, and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. I am a person who try’s not to brag but can’t help it, I am a person who commits sins like everyone els, and I am on earth to help others and live for God.



Who are we?


We as a group are people who should help each other and ask for nothing in return. We are a group of students that are hungry for learning, and nice people who love each other and will not stop to help each other. I remember in elementary when if someone dropped a box of markers on accident, everyone in the class would run to it and start picking them up for the person. I think that’s how we should act, and when that happens, I think that will mend a lot of problems in the world right now.



Who is he?


When I think of God, I think of someone like a super hero who is strong and powerful, I think of a doctor who mend wounds, I think of controlled forest fires which destroy stuff for good reasons, I think of a very smart person who know’s everything, and I think of a dad who knows you and loves you because you are his creation.


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We just did a picture book for our class. Or process was, research(which was asking the kids what they liked), Brainstorm(making the idea of the book), Rough Draft(start writing the book), edit(make the draft better), final draft(finishing it off), and share(showing it to the kids. If I could change anything, I would. I would type the words out other than writing them. When the kids read them, all of them liked it and one of them gave me a B. Here in the end, I am happy that I wrote this and it was a fun process to learn.

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I like what we are doing in band. We are just starting to separate which I don’t like. I like working as a band more than working in groups. If we do work in groups, I want the percussionists to be separated and everyone separated to make it equal. I like all the songs that we are doing, and I hate no song. I like songs that will challenge me and make me better.

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