Schools starting again(Yay!). Last year I was in a class called  school home collaborative wich is were you go to school ever monday Wednesday and thursday, and you stay home for tuesday and Friday  On the days that you are at school, you do normall school work, but the days that you are not at school, they give you home work assignments. I did that, fifth grade-Sixth grade. Now I’m in normall school wich I havent doen in two years. I’m having a good time. When I was in kindergarten-Forth grade, I was in a class called spanish Emerson. Spanish Emerson is a class that all you do the whole day, is have all your classes in spanish. At the start, it was very hard for me and everyone els, but after a wile, it just gets normall. Now that I haven’t doen that in two years, I’m loosing my spanish and barely getting through fles, wich is too bad.

That’s all today, and knowing me, I will post something in about two months from now. 🙂

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