Who am I?


I am am someone who will be unhappy if others are unhappy. I don’t like to see people that are sad, so when I see that, I try to cheer them up, and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. I am a person who try’s not to brag but can’t help it, I am a person who commits sins like everyone els, and I am on earth to help others and live for God.



Who are we?


We as a group are people who should help each other and ask for nothing in return. We are a group of students that are hungry for learning, and nice people who love each other and will not stop to help each other. I remember in elementary when if someone dropped a box of markers on accident, everyone in the class would run to it and start picking them up for the person. I think that’s how we should act, and when that happens, I think that will mend a lot of problems in the world right now.



Who is he?


When I think of God, I think of someone like a super hero who is strong and powerful, I think of a doctor who mend wounds, I think of controlled forest fires which destroy stuff for good reasons, I think of a very smart person who know’s everything, and I think of a dad who knows you and loves you because you are his creation.


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