Stephen, a full hearted man
Sadly got stoned which wasn’t his plan,
Because the people of Synagogue, Cyrene, Alexandria and Asia lied,
Three times to be exact before he died.
But because of Stephens heart, the people stoned him,
Right before his death which was very grim.
But now he lives in heaven right with everyone else,
Who was nice to Stephen and had good health.
And for the people that stoned him, they will die too,
When it’s their time to go and right on cue.
But not today but sometime soon,
It doesn’t really matter so lets get back to the tune.
During the stoning, Stephen said this snippet
“Lord Jesus, receive my spirit”
He got down on his knees and yelled to his brothers,
“Lord do not hold my sin against those others”
Then he took his last dying breath,
Before he fell to his emollient death.
Now he lives and we should too,
Act like Stephen, but would you?

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