Tim Bosch’s message that we had today was challenging us to live your life for God. The songs that we heard challenged us to live our life for God. He told us that even when things gets taken from us, we still have to love him like the story Jobe.

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Today, we went to the media center to interview different people that had immigrated to the united states. We interviewed Mrs. Hildebrand with different question. She was from Hong Kong and I liked everything that she told us. My expectation was pretty low, but at the end, I was way happier, and it was way better than I thought it would be. When she was talking, I was not board and I could tell that she was having fun also. After we asked her questions, she actually started showing pictures and talking about the pictures letting is learn even more about Hong Kong and the emigration. It was very nice that she was so active and so happy when she was talking to us making it actually fun to listen. She was one of the people that could stay longer than the other teachers which was nice Because we leaned a lot more in that time. Everything about Hong Kong was pretty much the same as like New york, but safer. At night, people would walk around Hong Kong because it was awesome. Other than Hong Kong being like New York, all the rules were pretty much the same as the united states but one thing was the health care was different. She told us that the difference between the people from america and Hong Kong was that Hong Kong’s people were very nicer, but the people from america were more curries. Most of the people from Hong Kong were butism. The people from Hong Kong didn’t think christianity were bad, but they just thought that christianity was for the americans, and butism was for the people from Hong Kong.

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Schools starting again(Yay!). Last year I was in a class called  school home collaborative wich is were you go to school ever monday Wednesday and thursday, and you stay home for tuesday and Friday  On the days that you are at school, you do normall school work, but the days that you are not at school, they give you home work assignments. I did that, fifth grade-Sixth grade. Now I’m in normall school wich I havent doen in two years. I’m having a good time. When I was in kindergarten-Forth grade, I was in a class called spanish Emerson. Spanish Emerson is a class that all you do the whole day, is have all your classes in spanish. At the start, it was very hard for me and everyone els, but after a wile, it just gets normall. Now that I haven’t doen that in two years, I’m loosing my spanish and barely getting through fles, wich is too bad.

That’s all today, and knowing me, I will post something in about two months from now. 🙂

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I’m so glad it is summer vacation. This summer my parents are going to the ucrane and I get to take sailing lessons. I also get to do hope soccer camp. Hope soccer camp is very fun, you get to play soccer 9am-3pm. I plan to do much more like go on more vacations but that is about 20 days till we do any of that stuff.


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Hello followers(there is probobly not much)My name is Cole Robert Ockerse and I am 12 years old. I live with a very nice family and I live with two brothers who are nice. I will say yes to about anything u ask me to do(exept drugs and bad stuff)Because I like everyone and Love no one…(exept God)I go to zcs. I also plan to live past 13 years old. Just kidding…

I think I have mentioned everything and I hope I havent mentioned too much. 🙂


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We are going on vacation in florida this week with my whole family.

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