1. Read one of the Psalms that we looked at this week. Psalm 34, 46 or 61. Read the whole Psalm (not just one verse from the picture book page). Reflect on that Psalm by using any of these questions or by sharing your own thoughts.  

The psalm said here my cry O Lord. To me, that means here my prayers, Lord. It also said you are my strong tower. God is my strong tower We all seek refuge in him. It also says he shields us with his wings.

2. Describe a time or times when you were kind since we shifted to online learning. Describe a time when someone has been kind to you since we shifted to online learning.

One night we were sighting in our guns. And my little brother got the stand out but did not put it away. So I put it away for him. I forgot to lock up the barn. But my little brother went out and locked it up for me.

  1. Describe the activities that you are doing to help pass the time once your homework is finished. Possible examples-bike riding, painting, board games, puzzles, texting friends…

I have been riding my dirt bike a lot to pass time. I have been texting freinds. I have been playing outside a lot. And i have been working. I also have been shooting a lot.