Archive of ‘Weekly Update’ category

5 – 31 Weekly Update

Dear Mom and Dad,
Describe to your parents what you did for our Service Day.
We (Olivia, Malynn, and me) helped in Mrs. Bronsink’s class. We helped the kindergardeners empty their book bags. We also helped make a Video because the letter for today was day for their countdown.
Tell your parents what your best part of the week was.
The service day project and seeing Charlie the chinchilla.
From, Cora

Hello! One week from today and you’ll be enjoying the first day of summer vacation for your kids!Hard to believe, as it seems like only a month or so ago that I took over for Claire! Things are really winding down in the classroom as we seem to have more and more interruptions to our normal schedule. Personal narratives were turned in today, and if they weren’t, they are considered late. Mr. Hutt is about to test his math students on Chapter 6, and I will be giving my kids a quiz on the material that we covered so far in Chapter 8, Measurement and Geometry. Mr. Hutt is also finishing up his history unit studying the Constitution. From talking to him, he has a good way to bring it to life with the kids! You might have seen the plant the kids planted come home yesterday. Hoping they found somewhere to plant it where it can continue to grow and produce either green beans, lima beans, or radishes. I’ll be anxious to see if any kids come up to me in September with a bean or radish!!The pictures I’ve included are from our Service Day in the community. Please ask your son or daughter what they specifically did today. Enjoy the weekend, and Blessings to your family! Paul






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5 – 24 -19 Weekly Update

Dear Mom and Dad,
Tell your parents about how scared I got this week in regards to our composting pile!
Mr. Keyser was at a science meeting and after that he had a appointment after the meeting. He came into the classroom and rushed to get to the appointment. The next morning Mr. Keyser thought about the worms! He didn’t remember if he closed the cover to the worm bucket. He hurried through his morning things and rushed to school. He looked through the glass windows and Mr. Keyser did not see any worms! He had closed the worm bucket the night before.
Give your parents some details about Officer Breucker’s presentations over the past 3 weeks.
Officer Breucker talked about what alcohol is good and what alcohol is bad for you. He also talked about smoking. We watched a video and saw how smoking is bad for you.
Give an example how you were a “bucket filler” this week!
I stood up for Sophia and Sadie when Melat and Tegan were being mean to them.
Good Afternoon, and Happy Memorial Day Weekend! It always seems to work out this way, that the closer we get to the end of the school year, the faster the weeks go! It actually is the same with age, the older I get, the closer together the birthdays seem! 🙂 We are finished with the MAP testing, as of yesterday. Overall, I was very pleased with our results. In all three areas(math, language arts, and reading), our class average was above the national average. Our top scores in each of the tests were considerably higher than the national average. Great effort kids!! We had a fun, albeit cool trip to Captain Sundae with our preschool buddies. One good thing, there weren’t too many kids that had the ice cream drip down their fronts, always a plus with little kids!In the classroom, we are winding down as well. Mr. Hutt is nearing the end of the problem solving/equation solving unit, and I am well into the measurement and geometry unit with my class. Next week in social studies students will continue Unit 7, A New Nation. Our focus will be on the Constitution and what it says about how our nation is run. In Bible class, we are putting together some things to go in their Spiritual Journals that are passed on year to year. In ELA, they will be completing their final writing piece, the personal narrative over the next few days. They have made their revisions and are ready to write their final copies. In science class, we are going a bit more deeply into the food chains around us. They have really enjoyed keeping an eye on their plants, and the composting pile we have in our classroom(the 500 worms and debris is safely sealed in a metal garbage can). A week from today, we will be conducting our service day. I’ll have the kids write what they are doing in their personal blogs. Hard to believe that in two short weeks we the class will be enjoying their first day of summer vacation! Nothing like the first day of summer break with the entire vacation ALL in front of you! The only thing better pertaining to school, is the first day in August! Nothing gets me going like that day!The pictures I’ve attached today are from our ice cream outing and from Officer Breuker’s treat of snow cones for the entire 5th grade after his 3 week presentation on substance abuse and bullying. I pray you have some quality family time planned for this nice three day weekend! I’ll be doing something family related all 3 days! Blessings to you all, Paul





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5 – 16 – 19 Weekly Update

Dear Mom and Dad,
Tell your parents about the coolest demo from the Calvin field trip.
We had an awesome time!  At the end of the presentation the people hosting the show put Nitrogen in a bottle and put it in a garbage can with water and ping-pong balls. The balls blew up when the Nitrogen exploded. It was so cool!!!
Describe to your parents the theme of Chapel this week.
The theme was Past, Present, Future. Mr. Meyer talked about that with the second graders help.
What was your favorite part of the week?
The field trip and hanging out with my friends.

Good Morning, and Happy Friday!Two more Friday’s with this wonderful group of kids! Going to be sad saying goodbye to them, but I am very excited to have them again in two short years! It has been a very busy week, with quite a few positive interruptions. The biggest has been the NWEA’s Measure of Academic Achievement assessment. We completed the math portion on Wednesday, and I am very pleased with how they did as a whole. Over half of my homeroom did better than the national 5th grade average. The rest were close to it, but just below the mark. Today, we take the language arts portion of it, and Wednesday the reading portion. We also had the final Chapel and Family Group gatherings yesterday, the field trip Monday, and Officer Breucker in on Wednesday talking about making positive choices. So, to some degree the regular classes have taken a back seat to all the special activities. I have included a few pictures from Monday’s field trip to Calvin’s chemistry presentation. A good time was definitely had by all! Very informative and exciting demo put on by three of Calvin’s chemistry professors!As for academics, Mr. Hutt is concentrating on different types of comparison problems, equations, parentheses, and multistep word problems in math, and in social studies the kids will be focusing  on the compromises that were made at the Constitutional Convention and the role federalism plays in our Constitution. My math class is going further with area and perimeter of irregular figures. Our science classes are making a class composting pile, and are delving more deeply into food chains. In Bible class we are studying more about how Christ had a servant mentality while here, and how we can be more like him in our day to day lives, especially here at school. In ELA, we are spending quite a bit of time on reading activities and finishing up their personal narratives. They are coming along very impressively. Yesterday was a milestone of sorts for my family. My son Jeff, turned 30. He’s about to become a Dad at the same age that Kathy and I had him. We are so very excited to see what God has in store for the parents to be and their first week of June baby boy! The kids loved it when he came in and so they wanted to make him a big birthday card, also attached below. He is going to try to come in one more time before the end of the school year! Have an incredibly Blessed weekend! Paul





5 – 10 – 19 Weekly Update

Dear Mom and Dad,

Tell your parents about your service learning project.
In Bible we are learning how Jesus was a servant, so we are going to be a servant and help someone or somewhere. (Classroom in ZCS, Fishers of Men, Mr. Huffman and Mr. Meusen, City on a Hill.) Olivia, Malynn, and I am going to help in Mrs. Bronsink’s classroom.
Tell your parents about the Revolutionary Walk!
Our class is learning about the Revolutionary War in Social Studies. We have been working on different battles to show you in the Revolutionary walk you are possibly going to walk today.



Good Morning,Sending this out Thursday this week so that you get one more day heads up for the things that are coming up next week. First and foremost is to tell you that we will begin taking the Measure of Academic Progress(MAP) assessment next week. I have included information given to us to help our students perform at their best. Please read it and encourage your son or daughter about the importance of giving this their best effort to “show off” what they have learned so far this year.MAP Growth AssessmentsWe’re looking forward to upcoming MAP Growth assessments! MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessments in Math, Reading, and Language will help teachers to understand how much students have grown in their learning this year and to know what they’ll be ready to learn in the upcoming school year.We’ll be taking these assessments in the morning during class on the following dates:Wednesday, May 15th, Friday, May 17th, and Wednesday, May 22nd. It’s important that students do their best to show all that they’ve learned this year! We are helping your student by preparing them to know what to expect on the assessment, coaching them on assessment-taking strategies, reminding them that they are capable of doing well, and shaping a structured and supportive classroom environment on those mornings.You can help your student by ensuring that they get proper sleep the evening before an assessment, feeding them a healthy breakfast on each assessment morning, and encouraging them to have a positive attitude and to do their best–this assessment is important, and they are capable!Together, we can support students in doing their best to show how much they have learned this year! There is additional information available at If you have further questions, please let me know!We are going on a field trip this Monday to Calvin College to watch a chemistry demonstration. I understand this is one of the kid’s favorite field trips that they go on while at ZCS! Should be memorable!! Please have your son or daughter bring a sack lunch with them on Monday. There will not be food or snacks to purchase there. This is the itinerary for Monday’s trip.10:45 – Meet at our 5th grade classroom for final instructions.10:50 – Leave ZCS11:30 – Arrive at Calvin College – Park in Lot 1 or 2 which is to the left of the drive as you enter off of Burton St. Let’s plan on meeting right outside of the Gezon Auditorium so that we can all walk to lunch together.11:40 – Lunch in Knollcrest on Calvin’s Campus (kids bring sack lunch)12:00 – Kids run around outside for a bit.12:10 – Walk back to the Gezon Auditorium for use of bathrooms and for Chemistry Demonstration.12:30 – Chemistry Demonstration begins.1:45 – Chemistry Demonstration ends. Head back to school.2:20 – Arrive back at ZCS – drop off in the front of schoolI know you have already received information about Mr. Hutt’s Revolutionary War walking tour tomorrow afternoon from 2:20 to 3:10, but this is just a reminder if you are planning on coming. In Science we are delving more deeply into the relationships between organisms and the transfer of energy in various food webs. In math, the two classes are working through either measurement conversions(my class) or word problems and solving equations(Mr. Hutt’s class). In Bible class, we are learning about the servant’s heart that Christ had, and how the class can constantly try to be more like Christ in that area. We are also in the early stages of setting up a chance for both of our classes to do a service project with a group nearby ZCS. The kids will tell you about their idea in their Friday blog. In ELA the class is getting close to finishing their first drafts of their personal narrative.Thanks for your prayers and support at home for my concern about the behaviors that I was seeing last week. I have to say that this week has been much better! Please continue to pray and reinforce the positives at home! Hope you have a great weekend! Blessings, Paul

5 – 3 – 19 Weekly Update

Dear Mom and Dad,
Tell your folks about our new 500 class pets!
Mrs. Meyer got 500 worms for science. we are going to make a compost pile. (i don’t know where yet  🙂 One night they escaped the bucket I brought in, it must have not been very tight. 🙂 We are going to keep them in a different bucket so the get fat.
Tell your parents about 3 things you noticed on your nature walk regarding organisms interaction with nature.

What was your favorite part of the week?
GoNoodle! and hanging out with friends and talking about FUN NIGHT!
What is your Personal Narrative about?
My personal narrative is about the party I had with Olivia, Heidi, Hannah, Malynn, and Alyssa L.


Happy Friday!I hope you are all looking forward to the 8th grade “Fun Night” tonight. I have heard that it is a great time for family and friends. I will be batching it as Kathy, our daughter, and Kathy’s sister are leaving for North Carolina today to see the brand new baby niece. Won’t be long before the family there will be making the trip back here this June to see our son and daughter in law’s impending bundle of joy!! So excited to be grandparents.Academically, we have had a good week. Mrs. Keyser has the kids about ready to finish their rough drafts of their Personal Narratives, and I have read most of them, and they are going to be good! We just switched our math classes, and I am beginning the unit on measurement and geometry, while Mr. Hutt is beginning the unit on problem solving, word problems, and solving one step equations. In Bible we just finished up with the early life of Christ. The class found this one of the most interesting units we have covered and discussed so far this year! In social studies next week, the students will finish up Unit 6, The American Revolution. They have been working on setting up a walking tour of the Revolutionary War. He will shoot an email home with specifics inviting you to tour the Revolutionary War! In science, we are in the first few days of our “Round and Round” unit on the energy cycle, or how energy originating in the sun makes its way to all living things. We planted some seedlings and will be measuring the mass of the plants after they are grown. We’ll then discuss where the added mass of the plant got there! We also have about 500 new “class pets”. We will be forming a composting pile, and we have a bucket full of Red Wigglers that the kids are finding either fascinating or terrifying, depending on their view of worms! The class spent some time with our pre-school buddies yesterday building boats out of recyclable materials. Thanks once again to Lisa Klamer for having us down!I would like to fill you in on something that has weighed on my hear this week. We have had a number of minor incidents where the kids have been less than respectful to each other. It is not class wide, but it is more than just a couple of kids. We discussed 1 John 4:19-21 yesterday: “We love because he first loved us. 20 Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. 21 And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.”   My point in bringing it to their attention was that if we profess to love our Lord, then it is hypocritical to then be mean, disrespectful, or condescending to our classmates. God makes it very clear in the above passage that we can’t do both, love him and yet hate our brothers and sisters in Christ(classmates). I would ask that you reinforce this at home, and periodically ask them if things are getting better. Thanks so much!I pray that you will all have an enjoyable and safe weekend! With His love, Paul

Dear Mom and Dad,

Give your parents a brief summary of your topic for your personal narrative.
My topic is the party I had with Olivia, Heidi, Hannah, Alyssa L, and Malynn.
Tell your parents three new facts that you will never forget about our solar system.

– The asteroid belt is in between Mars and Jupiter.

– The Gas Giants are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, & Neptune.

– The Rocky Planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, & Mars.

What was your best part about this week?
Playing soccer with a lot of friends from the Spanish emersion classes and Mr. Hutt’s class at recess, and practicing marching in BAND!



Hello, and Happy Friday!!

Not to many more of these as we are flying through the year! We are making our way through the curriculum in good order! Mr. Hutt is having the kids researching the various battles and events of the Revolutionary War. They spent yesterday’s lunch describing to me what they were learning. For example, the “Battle of Bunker Hill” was actually fought on Breed’s Hill. Who knew?!  Mr. Hutt is also coming to the end of the math chapter on long division and I am finishing up with measurement and geometry. Both groups will be assessed next week. In ELA, the class is into their second week of working on their Personal Narratives with Mrs. Keyser. They are making great progress on them, and are beginning to write their rough drafts. In my science class, we are bringing the Solar System unit to a close by taking the assessment today. In Bible class, we are finishing up the unit on the early life of Christ. They are learning what it was like to be considered an adult at 12 in Jesus’ time. I think my class is happy to still be considered a kid at 12!

This past Friday, the 5th grade put on the Chapel for the school, and things went very well. Mr. Hutt did a great job of reading the story If you were not able to attend, you can go to the school’s Facebook page and look at the videos and watch it.

I would like to thank all those who volunteered to drive to Calvin College on May 13th. We are set with enough to get us there! Thanks also to those who volunteered to purchase the consumables for our next science unit.

A bit short this week, but I am not short with good feelings about how this year is drawing to a close! I once again am reminded how fortunate(Blessed) I am to have found my way to Zeeland Christian! Or, more likely, our Lord found my way here. I pray you all have a great weekend! In His name, Paul

19 – 4 – 19 Weekly Update

Dear Mom and Dad,

Tell your parents one thing about my daughter Megan.
I learned that Megan likes to write.
Tell your parents about the video we showed for Chapel this morning!
It was kind of like Kid Snippets. It was super funny. (Mom saw it.) It taught the meaning of Easter very well.



Good Friday to you all,

As you reflect on this week, and the joyous good news of Sunday, know that we have been discussing and praying about God’s Blessings, and the knowledge that our Faith was founded on this weekend just over 2,000 years ago. This morning, the 5th grade teachers were in charge of the Chapel presentation. While the Easter story was being told, pictures drawn by your sons and daughters, was displayed on the screen. It was very powerful to see the pictures corresponding to the story as it was read.  The kids also had a chance to meet my daughter Megan this morning. She is an accountant for Lowell Light and Power, and they are closed on Good Friday. Megan said she thoroughly enjoyed meeting the kids, and could easily see why I enjoy teaching here as much as I do! Your kids made her feel very welcome!

Classwork has been going well in all areas. In Bible, we were preparing for the Chapel presentation, and continuing on with Christ’s early life. Once again, I would like to put in a reminder to have the kids practice their spelling words and Bible memory verse at home during the week. In ELA, Mrs. Keyser has been prepping the kids for their narrative writing pieces. Thanks to the parents that shared a memory with this last week’s assignment! Mr. Hutt is continuing with all the different applications of long division. Next week though he’ll be focusing on division with decimals and distinguishing between multiplication and division. In social studies they will be studying the differences between the British and Colonial armies.

In my math class, I am finishing up with the various applications involving volume of rectangular prisms, and composite figures. In science, we are getting close to finishing up our unit on the solar system, specifically the earth’s relationship with the sun in regards to the seasons.

I have had one parent volunteer for the field trip to Calvin College on May 13th to see the chemistry demonstration. I could still use 2-3 more. We will be leaving about 9:30, and will return about 2:30.  Thanks in advance!

I also want to put in a plug for my summer class that I will be leading the week of June 17th. I will be teaching a beginner’s golf class to those interested. We’ll meet MWF for 90 minutes. During that time, I will teach the fundamentals of driving, chipping, and putting. I will also give them a dose of golf etiquette. We will culminate on Friday by spending the 90 minutes playing a few holes on the Winding Creek course. I am not sure where this is advertised, but I heard there were only a few signees as of this week. I will take up to 15 kids. My brother in law, and possibly my son will be helping me out. It should be a great way to see if this is something your son or daughter wants to pursue as a hobby, or even a high school sport!

I hope and pray that this weekend is an incredible Blessing to you and your family as we all celebrate Easter!

Very sincerely, Paul Keyser

4 – 12 – 19 Weekly Update

Dear Mom and Dad,

Explain the twisted ending story to your parents.
A guy named Ivan was challenged to go to the middle of a cemetery and he had to stick a sword in the ground. It was a cold and windy night so he was wearing and coat, so he caught his coat in the ground with the sword, and he was killed with fright.
Explain to your parents how a solar eclipse occurs.
When the moon blocks the sun from the earth.
What was your favorite part of the week?
Playing soccer at Recess and making a slide presentation about Things you can Eat!



Good afternoon to you all!

Lots to report this week! I am sending this out today(Thursday) to make sure you are aware of the Auction tomorrow evening. I am so impressed by what I am seeing take place in preparation for this big event. Kathy and I are looking forward to stopping by and seeing all that goes on. We actually have something for folks to bid on! We each have a “bring a friend to bowl and eat” for the highest bidder. We think that a couple of friends will band together, both get the highest bid, and then bring two of their other friends. That way, we’ll be taking 4 good friends out to bowl and eat! Should be fun!

Speaking of fun! Our next field trip will be to watch a chemistry demonstration at Calvin College! It is May 13th, and I will be needing drivers. I understand this is the most enjoyable field trip of the year for the kids(and parents that drive), and so I am giving you a month’s heads-up to see if you can clear your schedule on that day and volunteer to drive. I will take the first 4 drivers that respond to this request via my school email. I will then reply with a yes, or no if we have enough volunteers! Thanks in advance!

Speaking of excitement, which I am positive that field trip will be for the kids, I just want to say how excited I am to be the new 8th grade math and science teacher for this Fall! Absolutely thrilled how our Lord has brought me to ZCS and will be using me in an area that I feel so strongly about! It will also be enjoyable to have your sons and daughters again in just over two years. Great kids, will surely become great young adults! Keep up the great work at home, that is so obvious by what an incredible group of students I have!

Academically, it took a day or two to get back into the swing of things after break, but we are all in by today. In Mr. Hutt’s social studies class, the students are going through the early events of the Revolutionary War. In math, Mr. Hutt is continuing on with long division, and I am continuing with measurement and geometry. Specifically, perimeter, area and volume. In Bible, we are still covering the early life Christ. In ELA, Mrs. Keyser is introducing some writing activities called Twisted Endings(ask them about the first one they read called, “The Cemetery Path”). They are bringing home the first homework that I have given in quite some time. They are to ask a family member about a memory that they strongly remember. They should be bringing it home tonight, so please ask them to show you. Shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes, and is due by Monday. Thanks for your help with this!

I hope you all have an incredible weekend, and are able to attend and enjoy the auction tomorrow! Paul

I’ve been asked my Mr. Buteyn to pass on the following information to see if we have any interest amongst our parents to host a Guatemalan student next Fall.

In the fall, ZCS will again be hosting students from Guatemala through the Faces and Our Cultures program. We are looking for families who are willing to host a middle school student for about 7 1/2 weeks from mid-October to mid-December. ZCS has been involved with this program for about seven years and we have found it to be a great experience for the students from Guatemala, the students in our school community, and the host families. The Faces and Our Cultures organization has great respect for the way the ZCS community has provided such a welcoming environment for the students in their program.
An information meeting for interested host families led by Gaby Padilla from Faces is going to be held on April 23 at 1:30 pm for those who are able to attend at that time.
If you are interested in hosting, want more information, or have any questions, please contact Mr. Buteyn (

3 – 28 – 19 Weekly Update

Dear Mom and Dad,
Tell your parents about your trip to the planetarium. Give them at least 3 facts that you learned.
– We got to learn different eclipses
– We got to show different moon phases with a squishy ball.
– We got to see the reason for the season changes and moon phases.

What was your favorite part of the week(besides going on break today)!
My favorite time of the week was the Planetarium. It was super fun. I got to ride in my mom’s car. Olivia, Brycen, and Logan rode with me. The Planetarium was super fascinating. It was so cool!



Good morning!

I hope you excited about spring break! I’m looking forward to a bit of family time. Kathy and I are going to The Ark and the Creation Museum in Kentucky, and then I am going to be helping my son get his nursery ready for the June arrival of our first grandchild!

We took a trip to the planetarium this week, and it was very enjoyable for some, and pretty boring for others. My feeling is, if there are 10-15 kids in our group that were fascinated by it, then it is a worthwhile trip. That coupled with the material they saw, ties in nicely with our study of the solar system in science! Mr. Hutt is moving toward the Revolutionary War in social studies with the first shots being fired at Lexington and Concord! The kids seem to be very interested in it. In Math, the kids will be once again switching teachers after spring break. The kids I had will be continuing on long division and it’s real world applications. The other class is in the middle of the chapter on measurement and geometry. In Bible, we are continuing on with the early life of Christ. In ELA, the students finished up with their informational writing pieces, and will be starting personal narratives after break. I gave the kids a break this week with no spelling or Bible memory verse. They were given a new verse, but will have until the Friday after break to recite it. They should be practicing the first 3 verses of Ephesians 2 over break.

Below, you will see a letter from Mr. Nagelkirk about the availability of sports physicals for 5th graders. If you even think your son or daughter might be interested in sports, then please take advantage of these inexpensive physicals.

Hoping and praying that you have a great week with your kids! Blessings to you all, Paul

Hello 5th Grade Parents,

Below you will find the Sports Physical Sign-Up that will take place at City on a Hill on April 20 for $10.  This will be needed if your child plans on playing a sport during the 2019-2020 school year.  If this date does not work, then you can also have the Physical done at Holland Christian, or by your doctor at any time before the first practice.

Below you will see the list of sports that your child may participate in next year as a 6th grader:
Fall: (Sept.-Oct.)
– Boys and Girls Cross-Country at Holland Christian
– Girls Tennis at Holland Christian
Early Winter: (Nov.-Dec.)
– Girls Swimming and Diving at Holland Christian
– Girls Cheer at Holland Christian
Late Winter:(Jan.-Feb.)
– Boys Swimming and Diving at Holland Christian
Spring: (April-May)
– Boys Tennis at Holland Christian
– Boys and Girls Track at Zeeland Christian

ZCS Sports Physical Sign-up Link:

Holland Christian Schools athletic department will offer athletic physicals for the 2019-2020 school year on Tuesday, April 30, from 6:30-9:00 at Lakeshore Health Partners South Washington facility. The cost is $15 and signups will once again be online through SignupGenius. Stay tuned for more details.

Joel Nagelkirk
Athletic Director
Zeeland Christian School

3 – 22 – 19 Weekly Update

Explain to your parents something you learned about the endocrine system.

We have a lot of glands. Some are:

  • pituitary
  • adrenal
  • thyroid

    Tell your parents what you did in Family groups today.

We shared our info writing and while we did that we made cards for donors.

What was the best part of your week?

hanging out with friends and GEMS.



Hello, and once again, Happy Friday!

Once again, it has been a very busy week for my 5B classroom! Lots to bring to your attention. I think spring fever(March Madness) is starting to make its way through the 5th graders, as the hints of warmer weather and next week’s spring break are getting them a bit more wound up than normal. Nothing bad, just a bit more enthusiastic! 🙂 I mention March Madness because we have quite a few kids who are college bball fans, and I let them fill out a bracket to see if they can beat my bracket. Any student who beats my score, will get a turn of the candy machine. About as close to betting as I would ever get!

Yesterday, we were asked to go to the 8th graders’ PBL(project based learning) on Christian Persecution around the world. Very sobering and saddening to see their displays depicting what our Christian brothers and sisters have to endure in other parts of the world. They came away with a new appreciation for just how fortunate we are in the United States.

Academically, we are moving right along. In ELA, the kids are turning in their Informational Writing pieces that they have worked diligently on for the past 3 weeks. Across the board, they are very impressive! Hopefully, you have had a chance to read them and help in the proofreading. My math class is in the early sections of long division, and are actually making good progress. Mr. Hutt’s class is working through the geometry chapter. In social studies, Mr. Hutt is progressing through the events leading up to the Revolutionary War, fascinating material! In science, we have completed our relative size and distance lab for our solar system. If you get a chance, stop by and look at the display on my window wall. Both classes did quite well. We spent one day going over the endocrine system in preparation for Thursday’s talk about their changing bodies.  In regards to “the talk” by all accounts it went well, and I think most of the 5th grade came away a bit more knowledgeable about their bodies! In Bible class, we are progressing through the birth of John the Baptist, and of Jesus. We had a good discussion of the kids’ ideas concerning angels.

The kids might have told you that I am providing them pizza for lunch on Monday. We recently won the coin contest, and to reward them, I told them I’d buy them pizza. I did tell them they were responsible for their drink. I also told them no pop or juice boxes(school rules). I also  mentioned that it is my way of celebrating my 60th Birthday(woohoo)!! They have been such a joy to teach this year, and for the first time in many years, I am not really looking forward to spring break. Sure, I’ll enjoy it, but I am not feeling like I need a break from them. Great kids!  We are heading to the planetarium in the morning, and will eat when we get back.

Kathy and I want to say how much we enjoyed the music program Tuesday night. It was so refreshing to hear the kids singing praises to Christ. Kathy was especially moved by hearing the little kids singing prior to the 3-5th graders. Something about the innocence of their young voices was very moving!

Hope you all have a great weekend!  Paul

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