
camdens cool

Birth of Jesus.

My favorite part of the christmas story is that Jesus was born in a manger in a stabile. In a barn that smelled bad and a lot of animals were in their. But Jesus was the best gift of all. And thats why I like that part of the story. A new thing I learned was that Joseph was not married to Mary yet.I was sure they were married. But I was wrong. Another thing is I dint know Joseph was told in a dream to go to Bethlehem. Thank you for taking time to read my blog post. Thanks and have a good day.

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Pronoun practice

Dear grandma last year I participated in a basketball tryout and got in. Now I play basketball all the time. And my teem won 8 to 5 last week. I am so exited that I won the game. My teem has only ever won 7 to 6. But 8 to 5 was so so cool to win. Now I practice 1 to 2 hours a day. My teammates are very nice and good about the game. even if we lose the game my teammates are a good sports team. Signed Camden.

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