Pinball Wizard – How To Make A Light Bulb Light


Posted by cvandenbosch22 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 14, 2013

A circuit has to be a complete circle. You connect the wire to either side of the battery, the positive and the negative   side. Then you put one wire going up the one side of the battery and one on the other side. So the wires go up on either side of the battery like a circle. Then the light bulb has to be touching the copper parts on the end of both wires so that the energy from both the positive and the negative side of the battery can give energy to the light bulb so that it can light up. The circuit must be a complete circle or it won’t work. The battery is the source of energy, the wires are the path to the light bulb, which is the load, which means the thing you want the electricity to go into.

We want to make it so that there’s a bulb and whenever the ball hits the light, the light will light up.

Here is a movie you can watch for how to make a circuit:


Comments (1)


I like how you say the circuit must be a complete circle, and then explain that it actually even looks like a circle. It is also very helpful where you explain that the light bulb must be touching the copper parts on both wires, so someone who did not know anything about circuits could probably create one from your description! You also did a good job introducing the vocabulary used with circuits like load and how the battery is the source of energy.

Your Blog Buddy,

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