Reflection on Africa

At the beginning of the lesson, I was thinking of Africa as a continent of poverty, sickness and war. Afterwards, my view of Africa had changed, but not for the better. I guess my version of Africa was better than the Africa that really exists. Percentages of orphans, internet access, sickness, war and education are way higher than I was thinking, and it doesn’t look like it’s getting much better. My feelings have changed quite a bit about what Africa is like. What really blew me away is that about 95% of the orphans in the world come from Africa, because so many of the children’s parents die from droughts, wars and sickness, such as HIV aids, which plagues the whole entire continent. What also really amazed me was that so many people can’t read or write, because the economy is so bad, and that some people don’t even have the money to afford an education, or maybe even food or water. Most Africans get around a dollar per day, and some people even less than that. It’s sad to see such a huge continent be in such a sorry state. Many of the African countries don’t get along together, and many countries haven’t developed yet, and maybe never will, because of the immense poverty and situation that Africa is in. It makes me feel like we should help, even though a lot of people already are. This lesson today has helped me see the continent of Africa in a really different way. It was very interesting.

1 Response so far »

  1. cvandenbosch18 said,

    April 12, 2013 @ 9:22 am     Reply

    Nice work i had a lot of the same ideas as you it was well written and i enjoyed reading it.

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