Archive for May, 2013

Invictus Video Reflection

Which character in the video do you think changed the most? In the movie, I think that the captain of te rugby team changed the most. At the beginning of the video, when Nelson Mandela becames president, he acted unsure of what to think, not angry, but not happy either for what had just changed. […]

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Water Quality Boat Trip

I was in the first Grand Haven group to go on the boat trip, and it was really fun. I enjoyed it and learned a lot. I learned how to use  some of the tools and the procedures you take to get and test the water. I wasn’t very sure what the tools looked like […]

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Actividad del UA

¿Como cambio tu opinión/perspectiva de África? Mi opinión sobre África no realmente cambió mucho, pero tengo un entendimiento mas claro ahora, después de aprender sobre el continente. Yo creía que el continente de África fue muy pobre, con no dinero, muchos enfermedades y guerras, y los países no fueron convertido. Eso es verdad, tienen todas […]

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