March 20, 2020

Dear parents and students,

Welcome to Day#3!! Thank you for working so hard at home. Together and with patience, we will make this distance learning very fruitful!

Today, we are going to do Math and Mandarin Language Arts. Please see instructions below.

Math (40 minutes)

You may keep Math time for 40 minutes. Once the time is up, your child may stop doing Math. If you want your child to do more, feel free to do so.

For math on Khan Academy, make sure you have selected 作业 (homework) first (see picture below). Please do the homework that I have assigned there.

Also, please click the “next page” button (as shown below) to check if there are more work.

2nd Math

You have done a good job on yesterday’s work. Thank you for working so hard at home.

For today, please go to Khan Academy and do the homework assigned there. Again, watch the video first and then do the exercise. There is no math quizlet vocabulary for today.

3rd Math

  1. The answer for yesterday’s question is 等份. Congratulations to those who have answered my question. You all have got it right.
  2. Go to Khan Academy, finish the homework that I have assigned yesterday and the day before. Do this for 20 minutes. When 20 minutes is up, stop doing it and go to the next step.
  3. Go to   Watch my video.  Find two fraction examples in your life and record your response there. This might take 15-20 minutes.
  4. Go to practice 5’s multiplication. Then, go to to record yourself reciting 5’s multiplication. You would say, “5, 10, 15…” You can also have your parent/sibling test you and record it.


If your child is confused about yesterday’s story worksheet, please watch this video.

Word Work (20 minutes)

  1. Please visit  Watch my video and record yourself making a sentence using 偶尔。
  2. Please visit Watch my video and record yourself making a sentence using 偶然.

Reading (20 minutes)

  1. Watch my video here:
  2. Read your book-bag book for 10 minutes.
  3. Go back to Record your response there. My question: Summarize what you have just read. Tell me anything that you have discovered while reading.

Writing (40 minutes)

  1. Go to and watch my video. In the video, I have given them instructions of what to do. Below is what I have told them in the video.
  2. Go to Review all the words there. First, read all the words by yourself. Then, listen to its Chinese pronunciation and English definition. Afterwards, go through the list and read all the words again. You may listen to its pronunciation again if you forget. It should take 5-10 minutes.
  3. Choose at least three words from the quizlet list. Take out a blank sheet of paper. Write a story using those words. Use as many words on the quizlet list as possible. If you don’t know how to write a character while writing, just make a circle for it and continue. You may draw a picture for your story. Drawing time should not exceed 5 minutes. This takes around 25 minutes.
  4. Go to Record a video. In the video, please show me your writing and read your writing to me. (5-7 minutes for this part)

Thank you for doing your homework today.

Have a great day!



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