Native American Learning Movie.

♥Yesterday we went to see a documentary about Native American and the Standing Rock indian reservation called WE THE SEVENTH. they talked a lot about how Native Americans lived. They interviewed different people and they did different things. One time they interviewed and talked with a father & son and they did basket weaving. After the movie, we walked around this art gallery and we got to see some different baskets, and art work and different clothes. Overall, it wasn’t my favorite movie, I personally didn’t really like it. ♥

Living on One Dollar. – Mr. Lowe’s Class

Today in school we saw the movie Living on One Dollar.

It was about these four collage guys who went to Guatemala to experience what it would be like to live in poverty.

It was kind of cool to hear them interview other people and hear other people’s stories, sometimes we take clean water, a stove, a microwave, a stove, food always ready, and knowing that you are going to have  a meal, for granted, we don’t often think about people living in poverty, we just go about life not thinking about it.

When we get home from the grocery store we just put the food in the cupboards, and call it good, but for them, they don’t have refrigerators, they don’t have cupboards.

We often whine about not having anything to eat when we have so much. for them, when they are hungry, they are hungry. they don’t have a lot of money, they don’t have a lot of food, it is like they are living on tortillas and salt.

Overall, it was a great movie, and I really recommend it.