Destination Imagination

  • My team and I got 1st place at regionals, and 2nd place at state. getting 2nd place at state means that my team and I get the opportunity to go to Global Finals in Knoxville Tennessee. My goal is to raise $750.00 for the housing, food, etc… Thank you for helping me out by supporting my team and I. Every little bit helps!!!!
  • What is DI all about? What do you do in DI?
  • If you don’t know what DI is, it is a creative problem solving group work,competition.  Each group has a coach or coach and co-coach. It goes from ages 9-18 (Elementary to Secondary, or you could call it Senior Level) in your group you pick a challenge, (improvisational, Scientific, Fine arts, Service Learning, Early Learning, Engineering, and Technical challenge. ) each challenge requires research, problem solving, building, and lots of teamwork. Each challenge also has requirements that you have to include in your skit.
  • There is also another part to DI, that is the Instant Challenge. An Instant Challenge is where your group has to complete a task. It is also a challenge that is given to you. An appraiser (Judge) takes you in this room with supplies and the challenge. however, the hard part is, is that you can’t talk about the instant challenge until after Global Finals is over whether you make it there or not, you still can’t talk about it until after Global Finals is over. You get judged on finishing the task on time, teamwork, and whether you included all the requirements. There are two kinds of an instant challenge, a structural one and an acting one. 
  • If you would like to make a contribution towards my trip to Knoxville, TN.  To perform at Destination Imagination Globals 2017.   You may make checks out to “ Zeeland Christian School” and mail check/or cash to my home address,  10912 James St, Zeeland, MI 49464.
  • *If you have pop cans that I can have to collect Money for my team, you may drop them off in our garage, or call my mom (772-4713) and we will come and pick them up.
  • THANKS AGAIN for your thoughts, prayers, and support!
  • Elizabeth DenBleyker

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