Descriptive Paragraph


Our assignment was to paint a word picture in a readers mind. How did I do?


     As you look to the sky, the sun becomes hidden from your eyes. Large shapes shift, white fluffy figurines move into a bouquet of flowers then form quickly into another picture of blue and white.

Mists fall to the ground forming dewdrops on the tops of the green grass, and the sky starts to turn gray like in the Wizard of Oz. It starts to rain. Clouds are running and spinning in a sky of no color, you can see the drops of water hit the ground in a splash! It looks as if someone was pouring a bucket of water out of the sky because the streets were flooding like a river. You watched the clouds, and waited till the rain slowly haulted to a stop sign. The white fluffy clouds moved, and there was something in the sky… A double rainbow.

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