

This is a picture of rocks…  They are rocks made out of crayon.

In science class we are learning about erosion which is when over time rocks break down by wind, water, heat, cold etc. and form into another type of rock  called sedimentary rocks. Some sedimentary rocks are shale, conglomerate, dolomite, sandstone and limestone. These five rocks are more of a soft rock so that when you would press it down on paper there would be a mark from the rock left on the paper, so they are kind of like a coloring utensil. So as a class we spent a couple of class times breaking down the crayons. We were a substitute for the wind, water, heat, cold etc. When the rocks were broken down into sediment, we put the sediment into bags to hold it. The next class we took some tin foil, wrapped the sediment in the tin foil and squished it till it was really flat. When we were done flattening the sediment we got into groups and found a place really heavy in the school to hide it.  My group hid it under a printer. When we came back after the weekend they were really squished. We unwrapped the tin foil and found that there were crayon rocks.

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