Reflections on Romans 10:9-14


In Chapel we talked about how weird it is that we can kind or play simon says with our faith. Meaning, if you don’t participate in simon says and just say… I believe in my heart that I am playing simon says. It said that we kind of do that with our faith, like we say yeah I believe in my heart that God sent his only son to die for us. But we don’t act it out or Go and make disciples, we have to live out what we believe. In Romans 10:9-14 it says (    It is with your heart that you believe and are justified but it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.) To me this goes along with you have to not only believe in your heart but you have to go tell the world with your mouth, telling people about having faith and having trust and faith in God.  It also says ( As scripture says anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.) To me this means you should not be afraid or embarrassed to set a small light (my faith) set the world on fire with disciples. I am really bad at talking and I get embarrassed extremely easily. But I have to not be embarrassed and get over it because it dosen’t matter. What matters is when people  hear you and get their own light. 🙂

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