Immigration day


We had people from all over the world come into our class. We asked them questions in groups. One of the people I got to interview and talk to was a girl named shiku (Isabel) she is originally from Kenya which is located in Africa. She told us about the schools that she went to and how they are different and similar. There schools are usually from seven in the morning to five in the afternoon because they could only take their SAT’s once so they studied a ton. The biggest thing she said getting used to was the snow here cause when she arrived in Michigan she came in the week when it was almost -20 degrees. Also I learned that we talk a lot more openly here about stuff and ask questions that they don’t ask.  They also have tribes there which I thought was really cool. There money there is called a shilling, on some shillings it says 100 and that is about equal to 50 cents or around that. Also there are some american type learning schools in Kenya. Shiku came here for collage. I learned there is so much to learn about a certain place and there are so many things that are cool and amazing in different cultures and places around the world.


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