The Outsiders Essay


I really enjoyed reading The Outsiders. I have been wanting to read it outside of class for awhile so it was a plus to read it in school. I really liked all the themes that were shown throughout the book. Stay Golden stuck out to me as a theme, I feel like now and days a lot people in the kids category are in a rush to grow up and feel understood, and have that grown up respect. Staying golden is about staying young and innocent, and taking joy in little things like sunsets, so I think it was a good reminder.

I think that the movie actors stayed pretty true to their characters from the book, but I had seen the movie before we read the book, so when I read the book I had imagined them like how they were in the movie. So I guess I wasn’t disappointed, I like the actors that played the parts.

The Movie left out some details that were in the book, like there church in the movie was not on a big hill, it was on flat ground. There were scenes left out of the movie, Ponyboy never went to court. There were just little bits and pieces left out or not mentioned.

I think it would have been cool to keep the movie exactly like the book with everything included, but that would be a very long movie, so I guess I agree with what the movie directors took out or did not include, They still got the theme and main parts of the book into the movie.

I loved the book, I liked how they showed that just because you are a greaser or a soc (or other group) doesn’t mean you have to be the stereotype. For a greaser the stereotype was strong, tough, and kind of mean. But the book shows that not all greasers are like that, because Ponyboy and Johnny definitely were not mean and rude. They were nice and were not tough, they were golden.

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