Bible Post

Symbol of a lamp

God promises his lamp will never go out through the line of David. Jesus came through the line of David, and others. David was one of my favorite characters in the Bible. He is brave, underappreciated, and is a VERY strong Christian. David is a man who adores and worships God’s strongly. Mr. Lowe loves that saying, and personally, I do too. It tells that we are a worship and we love him in a cool way.



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Something is Rotten

the Kingdom of Isreal was divided. Israel northern went through one lousy king after another. They wanted a king, but the had no taste in Kings. God sent Elijah while Ahab was on Mt. Caramel. I think that trusted Ahabs faith. It made him realize that God is amazingly powerful. Do you have or are you worshipping 2 ‘gods’? Money could also be considered a ‘god’. Most people don’t realize that they are.

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A Savior – The Israelites needed a new covenant since the couldn’t keep the original covenant. The new covenant was written NOT on tablets, but on human hearts. It doesn’t mean physically, but it means to memorize the words of the bible. Jeremiah gave them the new covenant based on grace and forgiveness, which is Fulfilled with Jesus

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The King – The people wanted a king to be like other countries, lots of people do that today, they want to fit in to be like other countries. The people of Israel wanted a Malek, a strong powerful king. — God wanted a ragid

the cycle of the judges – all is good-they fall away from God-punishment-cry out-praised judge-delivered Image result for crown


Slavery and Salvation

Joseph was sold into slavery – Moses was born into slavery

God is ‘I am who I am’

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Call – God calls Abraham to follow his lead to another land, Abraham follows of course. Abraham was a very good servant of the lord

in different ways we are still called to follow God’s plan for our lives often is outside our comfort zone

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Covenant – an agreement between 2 parties

Obey = blessing. They do good, they get rewarded, it’s like dog training.

Disobey = punishment. Its like dog training, seriously

Conditional = if you do, I do, both meet requirements for it.

Unconditional = I do no matter what – Gods love for us is unconditional, he loves us no matter what.

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God has many names, for example – El – creator powerful God, Yahweh – Friend, relationship, we have many names for him and in the bible, he had many names given to him. We are his sheep, and he is our shepherd. I think names give us a closer relationship with him. It lets us have specific names, like how we call our grandparents each differently.


The Conflict

God gave Jacob the name Israel after he and God fought and Jacob begged him for a blessing. Isreal means he struggles with GOD. Jacob didn’t get the blessing necessarily, he got a different name that makes me laugh

We don’t know what God is doing, what he will be doing, and what our future is like through him, but we still believe it will be good.

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