Spelling Suggestions

How do I learn spelling the best?

By reading the words. Or reading a book with the words.

How can other teachers do a better job of helping kids learn spelling?

Going over the word(s) with them, you could tell them how to sound it (them) out or something like that.

ZCS to the Zoo

Three things I am excited to see/do

1. See the new tiger exhibit

2. See the Africa exhibit

3. Pet the Sting-Rays

Three things I am curious about and want to learn more about

1. Learn more about the animals

2. See certain animals that might be endangered

3.  How some animals interact with others and what they eat

Link to John Ball Zoo website


Psalm 51:10-12

10-Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.11- Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.12-Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.




Fractions of Different Size Wholes

Q. Amena ate 1/2 of a sandwich. Lavonne ate 1/2 of a different size sandwich. Amena said they ate the same amount. Lavonne said Amena ate more. Could Lavonne be correct?

A. Yes, the sandwich’ could be bigger or smaller than the other.

Market Day – Pitch Reflection

Q.1.  How do you think your pitch went?

I think it went  good. I think it was easier than imagined.


Q.2.  What went well?

Talking to them, mostly unexpected stuff.


Q.3.  What did NOT go so well?

Some of the questions.


Q.4.  Describe the setting where your pitch took place.

It was nerve racking for us and at the end it went smoother (not really the investor decision.)


Q.5.  How did you feel before, during, and after the pitch?

Nervous-at ease-Awesome.


Q.6.  Reflect on your preparation. Do you think you were well prepared. Why or why not?

We werent really but at the end it all came together.


Q.7.  If you could do the pitch again, what would you do differently?

DRESS FOR SUCCESS and memorize your lines.


Q.8.  What question(s) surprised you from the Venture Capitalists?

“ Do you know of things that are banned in Market day”


Q.9.  What three recommendations would you give to another entrepreneur of your age?

dress nice

don’t be shy

do research


Q.10.  What offer(s) did you receive and accept from the V.C.’s?

What we asked for and two of our products

What we asked for and no interest but ¢10 per product ($5.00)





If happy was a color it would be orange because I like the Tigers

If happy was a taste it would be just like sour green apple because I love sourness

If happy was a touch it would be a baby cow ( a.k.a. a calf) because I love cowes.They’re cute when there calfs.

If happy was a smell it would be fruit because it is delicious.

If happy was a sound it would be music because I like it

Koala 911


I read an article about a baby koala thats mom died in a forest fire in Australia. She suffered major burns and broken bones. Click on the picture to read more about her!


Samuel and Me

1. Q. Why does GOD not always answer our prayers in the way we want him to?

A. He might not answer the prayer because  it might be greedy.

2. Q. How should are attitude be like Samuel’s when we enter church our open our Bibles?

A. We should respect it and don’t be angry

3. Q.  How was the Ark used as a good-luck charm? What symbols could be used today?

A. We might use crosses on a necklace. Like baseball players kiss their necklace before they bat.

4.Q. Why is it no longer necessary to make sacrifices like Samuel did?

A. Because we pray.

5.Q How can we be living sacrifices to GOD today?

A. we can go to church and worship him in general.

Making Subjects and Verbs Agree

Rule: In a sentence, the subject and verb must match.

When that happens, we say the subject and verb agree.

When a subject is singular (one thing), the verb usually ends in



1. She likes to draw

2. Kelsey eats cereal every morning

White Fang so far…

The book is about two guys who both died in the cold,harsh winter in a forest and 5 out of 6 sled dogs die. The last sled dog survives and finds a she-wolf and the she-wolf has cubs, the last sled dog’s name is One Ear. One Ear has to hunt and finds a lynx hunting for the same porcupine.

Ruth, Boaz, and Me

4.How was Ruth meeting Boaz ‘providential’? Where do you see Gods hand?

God lead Naomi back to Bethlehem with Ruth and she met Boaz

5. Have you ever seen or experienced Gods providence in your life?

Yes, I have seen God change one of my friends. He had never read a bible and now he is teaching me verses in the bible that I never knew. I hope he will except Christ.


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Final Reflection


Is the pinball machine more scientific than you thought?

yes it is a lot more, I didn’t know how to make a circuit before we made them.
What is one thing that surprised you?

How simple and cool that they are!
What is one thing that you learned?

I learned how to make a circuit and that a hammer hurts.


What were some of the joys of working in a group?

working together and getting to know them better.
What were some struggles of working in a group?

sometimes they won’t cooperate.


In General…for future group work.

Im going to try to be more cooperative.
Mention SPECIFIC ways you can grow before Market Day.

Work on working together with a group.


Informational Book